OK, What's Next?


New Member
Long time reader first time poster. Many years of large SW tanks mostly agressive first ever nano or reef. So here goes 12 gal JBJ Nano Cube DX 2 50/50 lights, upgraded pump and "Y" return. 12lbs live sand (2"), 12lbs live rock, 12gal Catalina Water. Up and running 4 weeks, 10 hermit crabs 2 small striped damsils. I can move the damsils to another tank any time. I would like to have a clown an anenome a shrimp of some kind and a couple of corals. Need help with how to start? What to do first? what livestock works? Any help would be great.


Have you tested your levels to ensure that the cycle is complete?
What are they? I think that is the best place to start!


New Member
Sorry, I should have added that pH 8.2, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 10, Specific Gravity 1.024, Temp 80. Lights run 6 hours a day L.E.D,s 10 hours a night.


Okay, well your levels look very good. I suspect that all your snails and hermits are doing well in your tank...
Are you happy with your aquascaping and the amount of rock you have in your tank? Others will disagree with me here, but I like to have my rockwork all set up the way i want with the amount I want before I add other livestock so that I dont stress out my fish or corals by moving it around or adding more later on....
Also, have you performed any water changes since you finished your cycle?
I am not sure if your lights will be sufficient for an anemone....I know they do better under stronger lights like metal halides....Although I do believe some types of anemones can be kept under the power compacts.....Maybe someone else here with more experience can shed some light on appropraite lighting (because I don't know too much about lighting)
It is pretty much up to you what you want to add next... I would suggest getting a few "Easy" corals to start with and see how they do....