OK, What's the catch?



I didn't want to hitch-hike someone else's thread, so I started a new.
What is the deal with the 6 line wrasse. Every time someone wants to add a new fish, that one is usually the most highly recomended, and I am curious to know why.
THEN, I wanna know...
Are there any negative conditions to owning one? For example, will he eat "ornamental shrimp" or any thing in a reef?


Active Member
There really neat fish, but they eat tons of pods. I wish they didn't so i could have both a sixline and a mandarin.
But it depends, like Ross said, if u have fish like the Mandarin in your tank, the sixline will end up eating the other fish's food, which could cause the other fish to starve.
I would say that is the only main negative of owning one. But thats just me. Other ppl have different opinions, so i wait for them to respond w some more feedback.


Active Member
6-Lines are also great because they're very active, look very interesting, have the most interesting eyes. They're just good for new tanks and small tanks, mine was pretty hardy too.


Well I have a Yellow Tang that thinks he owns the world, if I add a new fish now I fear that he would attack it. But since these fish eat flatworms does anyone know if he will either outrun or have the sence to hide from the yt?? A friend of mine told me that the 6 line can dart in and out of the rocks (My YT is to big to go into most of the caves). So should I attempt it?? I cannot rearrange my rockwork, because I have to much- big pieces, and it took me forever to get it to look right where it is!!


Active Member
Mine's in and out of the rocks all the time. You'll see it on one side of the tank, and 30 sec later it's on the other side. I think it'll be OK.


OK Rbmount, his fate is on your hands!! Nah, I'm just kiddin'. I'll try this fish... and see what all the hypes about!


tizzo, you could have hitched on my post i wouldn't have minded. i asked my lfs and he said the dottyback would be better for the bristleworms than the 6-line. i was more interested in adding something different than the same old thing. but i am still researching. :)


Active Member
I've got a bi-color dottyback, and it's about as big of a pain in the backside as a damsel-very territorial.



Originally posted by lilredcmc
tizzo, you could have hitched on my post i wouldn't have minded. i asked my lfs and he said the dottyback would be better for the bristleworms than the 6-line. i was more interested in adding something different than the same old thing. but i am still researching. :)

HAAA, so you noticed? Actually, I like my bristles. It's the newly aquired flatworms that I am afraid of. They are not bad...YET! I hate to add chemicals to my tank, other than trace elements, I've never had to. So I am trying to keep it that way. And a lot of people say to use the 6-line. Does anyone know for sure if it eats the brown flatwoms, not the red?


well, i might have noticed just a little :D . i went from having no bristles to now everytime i turn around i am finding another one. i pray it is the same one moving around but unfortunately the four i have spotted are all different sizes:notsure: . as soon as the dottyback is out of QT i hope he is starving and makes me proud!!