OK who ate my snails??



Interesting. My cleaners are very peaceful. Never seen 'em attack anything.


Mine loves to attack my hand and arm everytime its in the tank. This is my first experience with a cleaner and I know its trying to clean my arm. Hes agressive and persistant though. I disagree with everyone else , It doesnt tickle. He pulls on my hand/arm hair:eek: Maybe Im just a shrimp wuss.LOL


Active Member
im going to go out on a different limb here and say that the snails dont have enough algae to grazed on. Turbos, and Trochus, who are great turf algae grazer need a constatnt supply of this in their diet or they will lowly starve to death. I purchased six trochus snails for my 20 to clean up a turf algae mess that i was having. they did the job quick fast and in a hurry, however, once the algae was gone they slowly began to perish. one by one shells would turn up on the sandbed, and this tank was void of hermits, shrimp or crabs. i also had a ton of cerith snails in the tank that were introduced at the same time and they are still alive to this day, but they feed on detritus and different type sof algae. even though you may be having to scrape algae off of your glass, this is not the primary food source for trochus and turbo snails. i really think that their death was/is related to the algae that is in your tank. again its just a theory based solely on the occurences in my tank, but take it as you like
good luck
:D ;) :D


I don't have a lot of algae in my tank... so I give my turbo's and queen conch some seaweed once or twice a week. They have been going strong for 9 months. Just an idea. My chocolate chip star loves the seaweed as well.
I am no SW guru, but this:
One possibly strange thing is they are all three laying in the same area of the tank, near rubble pile.....
Has some significance.
Is it just me that thinks to check under any rocks near by? Could there be a large crab hidden? or a mantis? If they are all in a pile, look for a small hole/entrance type thing in the sand or near any rocks...
i doubt all the shells would be in the same place if it were the water perams..
I could be wrong, but it seems logical..


Active Member
I REALLY appreciate you all giving your thoughts on this:D Yes, my ceriths and nassarius seem to be fine. I'm just going to not get any more turbos for a while and see how it goes. I did have some starve when I first set up my tank but that been like 10 months ago. My shrimp were one of the first things I put in the tank and I'm having a hard time believing it is them. I've only got like 5 turbos now so I'll go with that for a while. Surely in a almost 1 year old 55 gal with around 80 lbs of lr there is enough algae for that many. I aready fee seaweed every day, the sixline wrasse, tang and coral beauty love it. I'll post again if I lose any more snails.