Ok who has the rarest/mostexpensive fish ???


I have a 18" Fiji Clown Trigger and a 16" Koran Angel both worth about $600 at the time of purchase which was about a year ago and a half ago. I also have a 42" Zebra shark that was about $2100 at the time of purchase, which was about 3 months ago.
Jim :)


Originally posted by risc:
<STRONG>I have a 18" Fiji Clown Trigger and a 16" Koran Angel both worth about $600 at the time of purchase which was about a year ago and a half ago. I also have a 42" Zebra shark that was about $2100 at the time of purchase, which was about 3 months ago.
Jim :)</STRONG>
i might have to take his wallet!!!! damn man you must work MS or somthing!!


Originally posted by option720:
Could you pleas give a bit more info on the 12,320g tank that you have.</STRONG>
i am going to take a wild guess and say you ment risc not me :D


Wow!! That is awesome!! You should charge admission :D Do you have pic's you can show? I know I speak for alot of us and I would love to see them.


Yes I do have pictures on my website I run off my home computer. I just got a new system and recently just did a fresh installation of W2k and I am still setting up IIS server. When it's all up and ready I will let you all know.


I know IIS isn't hard to setup but for some stupid reason it isn't letting anyone on my website except for people on my ISP. In otherwords all of Mediaone.net can get access to my site but anyone else its tough sh*t. So when I figure out what's going on I'll let you know.


Way Cool!!!! I Would love to see full size pics of the tanks and pools. Do you do all maintainance yourself? You discussed your food bill for them what about your electric? Just the electric in the house I live in which is 1752 sqr.ft, my bill was 435.00 and above. I cant imagine the electricity it takes to run yours. Cool fish though.


After reviewing Risc's previous post, and analyzing the pics, I have learned from a confidential source that Risc, is in fact, BILL GATES. :D
No, seriously thats the coolest thing I have ever heard of. I think its great that your so dedicated to these fish. Sounds like they have it better in your house, than they would in the wild. :D If you dont mind, I'd like your advice on my future shark tank.


Ok... here goes so more answers :p
my house is 5,800 approx sq feet and my electic bill is about $340 in the summer and $510 in the winter. That does not include gas. Gas comes on a seperate bill. My water bill varies month to month... it could be anywhere from $15 to $300. One of my water bills I had 120,000 gallons of water use on... that was $304. That's about the biggest I have had.
I am not our commander and chief of the computer world *cough* *choke* Bill Gates :p
They do very well here. I wouldn't think of taking them out of their habbitat unless I knew they had a good home. Even if I sell one to someone or trade them I usually screen the buyer to make sure his system is adequet for the species survival.
And you can ask me anything about them for your home system that you like. If I can't help you out I can usually direct you to someone that can.