OK, your a newbie and you've done your homework. What's the first thing you buy?


Active Member
Well, if you have TRULY done your homework then buy whatever you want that you feel your ready for.


Active Member
i would buy some taco johns first myself. Then i would go buy some books, and study some more...and then do it again, then i would buy a tank/filter/lights/stand..etc... then i would buy more books and read more...and then while reading buy sand/rock ..and read another book..and then buy fish.


Active Member
thats what it sounded like to me.
I dont understand the question myself. As if you have nothing then what equipment to get or what. Maybe should have said reef ready tank.
And jer, you left out SKIMMER but im not judgeing.....


Active Member
lol, my bad, my tank as a whole does not run a skimmer, the ecosystem is designed to run without one, and if one is added it will distroy the filter (it wont work) so im sorry that it slipped my mind. I know most marine users prefur the item.
But please remember the taco johns,..its an absolute must. :yes:


Active Member
OK, your a newbie and you've done your homework. What's the first thing you buy?
A Sea Clown Skimmer, shop lights and an Anenenomenome..
Cause I'm a newbie and bound to make mistakes....besides that I'm cheap, and even though I "skimmed through" my homework...nothing really sunk in...:D


Active Member
Originally Posted by Speg
You just called me a newbie?
Didn't mean to offend. I just read some of your posts and assumed you were a newbie.
This is more of a poll type question to help newbies posting on this Reef forum. I hate to see people get off to a bad start. This bugs me more then anything. Its not about buying a tank, filling it with tap water, adding salt mix and expecting good things to happen. I did it over and over but I have a half

excuse, I didn't see my first RO unit till 1985 and my first skimmer til 1986. I started off bad and killed my share and your share of critters.
There's way too much info on the screen in front of us. We all know certain equipment and water quality is needed to keep a reef but people still opt for the cheap route and then ask why their having problems.
I think Beth is the only active member that's been here as long as I have (my current reg date is not correct, should be around Oct 1999) She can tell you that I'm not here to win any popularity contest. I care little what people think of me. I do care about how people care for their reefs.
Are you a RESPOSIBLE reef keeper? Do you at least try?
This is not directed at any single person...if you feel it is then lets hear your answer to that last two questions.
I guess this is another way to jump start the " Are you a RESPOSIBLE Reef Keeper thread"
For my defense let me say that its the way I write that makes me sound like an arrogant fool...That's not me. I love all people and truly want to help them have a
successfully reef tank.
Good night and have a wonderful wonderful weekend to ALL. We're all going Camping down in the Red's MeadowDevils Post pile area, play a little golf up in Mammoth lakes and do some Fly fishing on Crowley lake (If my 3 year old son lets me) Then there's the big 4th of July parade through the campground...after that is a nice Sushi dinner in Mammoth then off to Crowley to watch the fireworks.


Active Member
everyone just needs to come together at taco johns and join hands and enjoy Gods most perfect gift. The burrito. :yes:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jer4916
everyone just needs to come together at taco johns and join hands and enjoy Gods most perfect gift. The burrito. :yes:
What if im vegan? :D
Reminds me of another thread on here a few days back, whats the 3 most important aspects of a reef tank, or somethng to that effect. Equally and dbl binding question.
I would assume (which we all know what that can lead to) that ppl who take the time to search out a forum, read, post, and interact are trying to be responsible, at the very least understand a bit more of what is going on. But here in lies the vex of this hobby, there is no ‘right’ approach to any problem, or way to recreate your little ocean. I can remember more than once disagreeing w/goldfish about different ways to run a tank, both equally valid and viable options, but very diametrically different approaches (the one that sticks out the most is dsb). The great thing about this board is we all bring a wealth of knowledge from our different philosophies and educational backgrounds which can allow us to test out new ideas and concepts as long as we are open to them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by msd2
What if im vegan? :D
Reminds me of another thread on here a few days back, whats the 3 most important aspects of a reef tank, or somethng to that effect. Equally and dbl binding question.
I would assume (which we all know what that can lead to) that ppl who take the time to search out a forum, read, post, and interact are trying to be responsible, at the very least understand a bit more of what is going on. But here in lies the vex of this hobby, there is no ‘right’ approach to any problem, or way to recreate your little ocean. I can remember more than once disagreeing w/goldfish about different ways to run a tank, both equally valid and viable options, but very diametrically different approaches (the one that sticks out the most is dsb). The great thing about this board is we all bring a wealth of knowledge from our different philosophies and educational backgrounds which can allow us to test out new ideas and concepts as long as we are open to them.
burritos dont have meet, and if your a vegan, god didn't make people to be vegans. god made plants and animals for people to eat, if you choose to be a plant eater only thats fine...but a vegan...man thats

and total choice. i will have to eat my burrito in front of you then.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jer4916
burritos dont have meet, and if your a vegan, god didn't make people to be vegans. god made plants and animals for people to eat, if you choose to be a plant eater only thats fine...but a vegan...man thats

and total choice. i will have to eat my burrito in front of you then.

First - Please do not question people's dietary choices or reasons for them and what God did and did not create things for. You are entitled to your beliefs, and others are entitled to theirs. :yes: Let's leave it at that.
Second - I've seen and tasted many a burrito with meat...not all (bean burrito) but the term does not mean "no meat" does it? But I am not familiar with the restaurant you mentioned. I guess it will call for a road trip. Is it a chain somewhere? Anyway, that is not a discussion for this board either, but it may be a discussion for lunch. Yes, I think so :)
Third - I was interested in your comment that your filter, which I believe is an ecosystem filter, does not work with a skimmer - that in fact the skimmer will ruin it in particular? I understand you don't NEED a skimmer necessarily but ruin it? Why does Ecosystem sell their ecosystem pro series filter with a modified CPR skimmer? Isn't an ecosystem filter is basically a refugium style filter with fine DSB? Plenty are run successfully with skimmers...what's different? :notsure:
Fourth - I am not sure what to add to the original question. I would probably say if you think you've done your homework, you should probably go for some extra credit and do more homework, to be sure you are getting to the heart of it all (so not just LFS teaching).


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
First - Please do not question people's dietary choices or reasons for them and what God did and did not create things for. You are entitled to your beliefs, and others are entitled to theirs. :yes: Let's leave it at that.
Second - I've seen and tasted many a burrito with meat...not all (bean burrito) but the term does not mean "no meat" does it? But I am not familiar with the restaurant you mentioned. I guess it will call for a road trip. Is it a chain somewhere? Anyway, that is not a discussion for this board either, but it may be a discussion for lunch. Yes, I think so :)
Third - I was interested in your comment that your filter, which I believe is an ecosystem filter, does not work with a skimmer - that in fact the skimmer will ruin it in particular? I understand you don't NEED a skimmer necessarily but ruin it? Why does Ecosystem sell their ecosystem pro series filter with a modified CPR skimmer? Isn't an ecosystem filter is basically a refugium style filter with fine DSB? Plenty are run successfully with skimmers...what's different? :notsure:
Fourth - I am not sure what to add to the original question. I would probably say if you think you've done your homework, you should probably go for some extra credit and do more homework, to be sure you are getting to the heart of it all (so not just LFS teaching).

look at the model 3612, it is designed to not use a skimmer, also i notice you like to intrude on alot of my posts and always post against me...thats great if you dont like me, but knock it off or im going to report you for harrassment, i understand your one of the heads of this site but maybe you should get off your high horse and calm down!


Active Member
Dude, chill. It is nothing personal, but I also will not let you talk about other people's dietary intake or religion either...those are personal decisions and people have a right to them...and another thread violated the terms of use of the board.
Now I am actually interested in why the filter will not work with a skimmer. I am just asking you a question, because if they say that then it would potentially apply to people running a refugium as well, so I would like to know the logic. Do you think that the ecosystem pro then is some sort of compromise for people who insist on running a skimmer? Do you think it would make the filter less effective? You don't have to answer. I know you didn't design the filter so I am not accusing you of something. I'm just interested to know what they say about it since you bought it and you made that statement. I don't know much about it other than the general concept. If you have any questions about my tidepool sump (not much to explain but...) I would be happy to give a critique. That's all I'm after, OK? A discussion of the filter and its philosophy. 'Cause I am a freak and into that stuff.
Keep in mind the restrictions of writing. I am often light on emoticons but it is not to mean that I am against you or something.
BTW, I am not a head on this site, I am a volunteer, which means I can't afford any horse let alone a high one. I am at work and typing fast to avoid being caught, OK? Nothing personal.
But I do have to enforce some basic rules as well. :yes:


Active Member
first the food thing was a joke, read the whole forum talking about taco johns.
second it doesn't use a skimmer because the miracle mud and calerpa feed off what a skimmer would take out....hence taking food away from the filter..aka not making it work.
thats why it doesn't need a skimmer
search ecosystem 3612
and read about it