Okay guys quick help me ID...


We have been away from our tank for a couple days, we dont have fish in it yet, only live rock but when we came back we have things living in the tank now! Two things...
The first thing has small yellow tentacles its kind of behind the rock. We cant see a body just the tentacles. What is this!?!?!
The second looks like the picture below. Its whitish clear and they just drift and swim around in the water and they glide across the sand.
If you know what any of these things are help us out this is our first tank and its the first life we've seenand we are soooo excited.


Active Member
I can't help you with the tenacled animal, but the second one is a flatworm, which are a pest. They are essentially the saltwater version of the planerian, if you happen to be familiar with them. They multiply very quickly, as in will soon cover all surfaces in the tank. While most varieties do no direct harm to anything in the tank, when they die they give off a powerful toxin, which means you need to kill them off as quickly as possible so that as small of an amount of toxin is reduced. Do a search on flatworms. I had them once and used a product called Flatworm Exit to kill them, it was very effective. I strongly encourage you to get rid of them as soon as possible, especially now while you don't have many things that could be harmed.


That picture isnt what it is. It has about 8 tentacles and they are long and about a little bit bigger around than a hair and they are bright yellow. And the tentacles can curl up in cork screws. I cant get a picture of it because of where he is located in the tank. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated!


from what we can see of it, its only about 2 inches long at the most. It looks like a worm but on the end it has about 8 tentacles. It looks like its eating our sand, then craps it back out. It never comes completely out of the crack in the rock, it stretches out to reach the sand but the other end always stays in the rock. It doesnt look like any aiptasia i've ever seen.:notsure: :thinking: