Okay Here It Is....

this is what i am going to start w/ to be safe. any final opinions feel free. thanks
24g nano cube 20lbs of sand 30 lbs of live rock
10 hermits
10 turbos
yellow gorgonian
3 feather dusters


Active Member
Too many turbos and hermits. Maybe 5 of each. Depending on the amount of algae and ditritus you have, it might be a good idea to start with fish. If you lack things to clean up, your crew will die.


I agree...if this is a new tank start with less snails and hermits until you have more for them to eat...also...gorgonians are very difficult they have to be fed well...do some research on them..
why 3 featherdusters in a 29?


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
I agree...if this is a new tank start with less snails and hermits until you have more for them to eat...also...gorgonians are very difficult they have to be fed well...do some research on them..
why 3 featherdusters in a 29?
It depends on the dusters. I have one big one in my 29 and that is more than enough for filter feeding. If he is getting some smaller ones, then that might be fine. I still think that he should start with fish unless he has plenty for the cuc to eat. If you notice that the cuc you have just isn't cutting it, add some more. Also I think that turbos aren't that great. I used to have some, but they just didn't cut it for me. I am in love with astrea, nassarius, and cerith snails.