Okay, so sometimes things don't work out......


Damn, just when things were going so good. My wife calls me at work and tells me my mantis is attacking the glass. Not full on attacking but whacking it pretty good here and there. Totally unprovoked. Next day I'm watching him pretty close and WHACK!! right at the glass. So without even thinking twice I grab the big net and scoop, next thing I know he's in the net and on the way to the JBJ nanocube that luckily had just cycled and has nothing in it. I put him in there and he is just miserable. The story does get better......my friend agrees to take him and has a 30 gallon cycled tank that he's trying to figure out what to do with. Bingo! Less than 24 hours later he's in a new home all by himself and doing great. We just went out and got him some more rock and some emerald crabs. It's a shame I had to get rid of Snoopy. I really dug him and he was my first SW creature. But I know he's in a good home. My friend has been keeping tanks for over 10 years and doesn't have to worry as much about him breaking out. Me on the other hand have thousands of dollars invested in this setup and a house full of tattoo flash, rare records and other crap I collect right below the tank in the basement. It just isn't a risk I am prepared to take. 90 gallons is a lot of water......DAMN IT!!!! I'm gonna miss the little monster.


Snoopy's new home....
My pal is gonna be setting up a webcam for him soon too so if I can talk him into signing up here he can give you the link or I can later.

tony detroit

Active Member
My aunt is a very good tatoo artist. I just saw her at the expo in Detroit(romulus) a couple weeks ago. She's in a shop out of Minnesota now. She used to be with the Enchanted Dragon out of Arizona, but she divorced her husband and went on her own. You've probably seen her work in magazines, she's in there all the time, or well used to be, she will be again, she's very good. She was also on a show that TBS did about 5 years or so ago about the tattoo culture.

tony detroit

Active Member
Nope. I don't care what you do with your body, it is your choice. But I know most people that are old with tattoos say "wish I'd never got that thing". So I consider that a sign and have never gotten one. I have nothing against them though. There is a fine line IMO between what is cool now because of the year,and your age, and artwork. They may not necessarily be what you want to look at in 40 years. There is a very broad amount of artwork that goes into tattoos. Then you have your guys that got out of the local penetentary that show off their branding work that totally makes a bad name for the tattoo culture.


Active Member

Originally posted by Innsmouth
Nice, do you harrass her for tattoos like my family does? :scared:

Why is your family harrassing Tony' Aunt for tattoos...?? :rolleyes:


I understand your feelings on tattoos. I was just making a joke. I've been around tattoos since the mid-80's. I quickly learned the difference between good and bad from guys like Tom Beasley and Vinnie Myers. I'm aware of all the trends in tattooing and that which stands the test of time. I see it everyday. It's a personal thing. I remember a time when people with tattoos weren't treated with as much respect as they are today. Times change. Tattoo today is a part of our popular culture. Most artists I've known over the years have been talking about the decline of the trend for over a decade now, yet there are more shops and talented artists than ever before. The quality of the work just gets better and better and the customers keep coming every year. And yeah, anything that becomes huge with the masses is gonna bring out the hacks. But for every five of these scratchers that will be gone in a year or two there's gonna be a killer artist in their place. It's what's been happening all along. Can't wait to see what's gonna happen in another 10 years!

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by Innsmouth
Anyway, don't know how this turned into a tattoo thing

All my fault, you started talking about saving your flash and it was all downhill from there.


Damn, That was a really nice mantis.
Still is. He was really interactive. Doubt I'll find something as cool as him unless I get my act together and do the octopus tank I've been wanting to start for years.
All my fault, you started talking about saving your flash and it was all downhill from there.
Nah, mine too. I can talk tattoos for months.


I'm a touch confused on the whole Mantis thing. So far I'm hearing that they shoot darts or something? :scared: Man, that's creepy, how in the hell do you dare acclimate/move him?
Perhaps before I start asking questions, could somebody tell me a little bit about this creature?


darts lol..you are miss lead :)
mantis shrimp simply have large clubs backed by mantis like claws..the clubs are used to well....club things..be it fish to icapacitate them or tank walls in this case..the mantis like claws are used to move stuff around and to kill without impunity.



Originally posted by Innsmouth
I quickly learned the difference between good and bad from guys like Tom Beasley and Vinnie Myers.

Whoa , Ive known Tom and his wife for ages. Great artist who haven given alot back to the community. Kinda weird seeing his name here......:D
that so sucks about your mantis... it was totally sweet. glad to hear its got a new home... how about a shot of the shrimp in its new tank.
BTW, I saw tons of mantises snorkling on vacation. They were in sandy rock rubble areas not far from the shore... and just as quick and rapid as in the tanks:D


Active Member
That mantis was so cool. I hate having to get rid of fish. If your tank was acrylic could it still break the tank? Just wondering. I don't know much about mantis. How are all your other fish doing? You have a puffer and a lion right? Anyting else yet?


Whoa , Ive known Tom and his wife for ages. Great artist who haven given alot back to the community. Kinda weird seeing his name here......
Small world huh? I have loads of respect for Tom. I haven't seen or been tattooed by him since the 80's.
how about a shot of the shrimp in its new tank.
Check out the link to his webcam between 9 and 9 when the lights are on. Link is in the first post.
If your tank was acrylic could it still break the tank? Just wondering. I don't know much about mantis. How are all your other fish doing? You have a puffer and a lion right? Anyting else yet?
They can't break acrylic but would scratch it up for sure. The other guys are doing great, thanks for asking. We just got a small zebra moray to take Snoopy's place. He's beautiful but not as much fun I have to admit. Thinking about adding a Tusk but that may be overkill on the bioload. It's just so hard to stop! I'm getting a 180 within the month because I'm a hopeless addict and have no self control when it comes to stuff like this. Must...have.....grouper.....NOW! I'm ridiculous, I know.


Active Member
i bet the zebra is nice. What a great aggressive tank. Sorry to here about snoopy. I know what you mean about the addiction. I got a 46 and then within months was looking for a bigger tank. I just bought mh for my 46. I just picked up my black v lion for my 180 :D . Needless to say I am now broke. Hahaha...