Okay, thinking of adding LR to fish only tank


I know I am going to need to get cured LR as I have fishes and inverts in my 50gal hex, have not been running a heater as it stays at 78 degrees on it's own. I am currently running a Marieneland Emperor 280 Bio Wheel filter rated to 100gal. Will I still need to get a skimmer? If so what should I aim for?
Any info on the equipment (Lighting, heater, etc) I will need to obtain would be helpful as I am looking to start pricing stuff ASAP so when I get $$$ I can grab them.
Also how much LR should I get or should I start small and allow it to seed as I have BR that used to be LR?


Cool, good to know that I wouldn't be overloading it with 2 or 3 good sized pieces. So I should have about 2in of LS correct?
What kind of lighting and also what should I use for calcium? I have mo LR in my tank now and nothing to help KEEP LR as I have no skimmer, correct light, and do I need a heater if the temp is always at 78 degrees?
Thanks for the info, I am just going crazy trying to figure out what I shoud expect/need before I even put the LR in there. Thanks again.


Active Member
make sure it is cured especially if you add it all at once, if it is shipped even overnight you will have to recure it or it could start another cycle i know because i added 100 lbs. at once and it was still wet when i got it well long story short my ammonia went over 8 instant crisis i had to ammo-lock the heck out of my tank and down where you are located being this time of year and all i don't think a heater is needed quite yet ( i used to live in naples and marco island in the 80's) but a good oversized skimmer definately good luck tobin :happyfish


Thank you!
I was looking as to what I should get as to a skimmer. Have been checking out some $$$ and lights as well. I understand the curing as I would like to keep these guys alive and now that I caught the mean bluefin damsel my wrasse is happy and I would freek if he died!
I have a LFS that has nice cured LR that has full corals on it so I may check that out as well. I will ask them what to do and then let you know if they know anything.
