I know I am going to need to get cured LR as I have fishes and inverts in my 50gal hex, have not been running a heater as it stays at 78 degrees on it's own. I am currently running a Marieneland Emperor 280 Bio Wheel filter rated to 100gal. Will I still need to get a skimmer? If so what should I aim for?
Any info on the equipment (Lighting, heater, etc) I will need to obtain would be helpful as I am looking to start pricing stuff ASAP so when I get $$$ I can grab them.
Also how much LR should I get or should I start small and allow it to seed as I have BR that used to be LR?
Any info on the equipment (Lighting, heater, etc) I will need to obtain would be helpful as I am looking to start pricing stuff ASAP so when I get $$$ I can grab them.
Also how much LR should I get or should I start small and allow it to seed as I have BR that used to be LR?