"okay This Is Really The Great Dinhouse Reef On A Saturday Night


Sweet setup. I hope to be there one day. What is that blue fish that keeps mugging for the camera?


Active Member
Very nice looking set-up Din. Are those Nassarious snails up top? BTW- I am ignoring the red slime on the sand bed........oops.


Thanks guys for the kind words.
"Benj420" That blue fish you see is a Yellow tailed blue damsel. Let me tell you he is meaner than SH*T. You should see how he goes after my hand if I put it in there! He and his buddy are what I used to cycle my tank in the very beginning. As soon as I find a colorful reefsafe fish They are coming out!
Yeah "Rye" that patch popped up last week. I dont understand my lights are all less then 3 months old, all my tests came out right on the money. I did get a very minute reading for Phosphate but when I started out my readings were higher than that and I never got red slime. I haven't moved my powerheads. I am at a loss. I am off tommorow so I guess I will be doing water changes. Man you would not believe how fast that stuff grows. Every night my conchs and mexican turbos eat it. I check my tank in the morning before I go to work and there is no red slime but by the end of my light cycle it looks like the picture.
Anyone have any ideas on a very colorful reefsafe fish that is fairly hardy?


Active Member
A couple of good reef safe fish:
Fairy Wrasse
Just a couple off the top of my head.


Active Member
That is funny Stacy.............you almost just named the inhabitants of my tank. Take away the tang and replace it with a lawnmower blenny and you are right on the money.......I would keep the tang out of the 55 anyway. Maybe go with a pair of Percula clowns.

cap'n pete

Looks like "Coral Tokyo", full of life. Really, looks good. How are the powersweeps doing? Mine is in the spare parts box now, I got fed up with it not sweeping.


Great tank!
Some colorful, hardy reef safe fish...
Royal Gramma

Flame Hawk (add him last- they can be agressive to new fish)

as for your red slime algae-- just direct a powerhead down there, and also try some conchs- they worked for me.


"Pete" My powersweeps work great for me. You just have to clean them every couple months. Which is what you should do with all powerheads. You would be surprised at all the crud that gets caked inside them which in the long run can cause them to burn up.
"javajoe" Yeah I have two conchs and a few mexican turbos. They eat the stuff when the lights go out but it grows back the next day. I cleaned out the pump on my skimmer tonight so maybe that will help.


Active Member
Beautiful reef Din. What kind of lights you run on that badboy? Wait... sorry... you deal with the badboys.... not the tank. :D


Hmmm, my yellow tails look a little different than that. The yellow is on the tail and the under side of the body. I will edit this post and add a pic when I go home for lunch....... mmmmmmm lunch....
Here "he" is hanging out on by some PVC fittings that have become home. Mean little bugger.... His name is Fat Ba$#ard.

Beginner question, That white spot to the lower left of the damsel is coralline algae right? That's a good sign right?


Active Member
Hey DIN., nice tank. If you try altering a few,(just a few) pieces of your lr near where the damsel spends most of his time it usually disoreints them and they back off the aggressive behavior. I've got a yellow tail damsel , but i added him last for some color and I knew he would not really bother a royal gramma, sixline wrasse, or tomato clown. In terms of fish, I really like a royal gramma for color. They are territorial, but won't go any further than flaring open their mouths like the post above. Really cool to watch. My tomato clow sees this and still gives him a laugh and a fake like he's going to rush him. The tomato takes no crap. A sixline wrasse is great. I like a lot of rockwork and it appears that you do to. A sixline would spend all day weaving in and out of the rock. Great fish. All of the clowns look nice too. Some are more agressive than others though. Tomatos and maroons are the worst, yet my tomato stays largely near his anemone and doesn't start troubel. He just likes nailing me when I get into the tank. Try rearranging a few pieces of lr. If that doesn't work, place something in your tank that will check his behaviorlike a royal gramma. He'll scar the crap out of the damsel, but not much more. Your problem is that the damsel, although not aggressive by most damsel standards, thinks it is his tank because he has been in there longer and was the first.
Good luck.


"Hair trigger" I am running two 96watt 10k powercompacts and two 36" vho actinics. I usually also run two 55watt 50/50 smart light powercompacts. They burnt out on me and I am gonna get some more sooner or later.
"saltyrich" the aggression of the damsel doesn't concern me becasue as soon as I get my colorful reef fish he is going to the LFS.
Thanks guys for all the kind words?
DINHOUSE, I saw that Sun Coral you have out there, I just got one and its a huge colony, how did you get yours to come out like that and what do you feed them and how much? Thanks