Okay, what are the chances of live fish arriving healthy and alive after 2-day fed-ex


Okay, here is the situation. Finally found a mimic lemonpeel tang from ********** Ordered Monday and was supposed to be delivered by 3:00 today (Tues) but fish is still in Indianapolis and probably won't get here until sometime tomorrow.
I am thinking "dead fish" will be at my doorstep however the guy I spoke to at ********* said that there is a good chance it will be alive and to aclimate as you normally would. What are the chances that this tang will be alive and well and if it is alive and I aclimate it what are the chances that the stress of spending 2 days in a box will make it ill and kill it? :notsure: Anyone out there please give me hope that it will be okay. By the way, it is supposed to be on the small size tang if that makes a difference. I am soooo bummed out.



Active Member
I brought some fish home from hawaii. And I "forgot" one in the suitcase until the next day he was fine. They tell me they ship them for 48 hours in the bag. I have ordered from them before and had the same issue and it lived. So dont worry until you open the box. They have a very good return policy on the dead ones.


Well, I got my fish and it looks great!:joy: I can't believe it!:yes: Anyhow, just wondering on whether you all think that my coral beauty will know that this mimic lemonpeel tang is a tang and not another dwarf angel. I did ask the *********** and they assured me that they would be fine together. Just wondering on all of your thoughts....:notsure: I am assuming that in their fish ways they can tell the difference but I am not sure. I hope the experts are right as the coral beauty is full grown and the tang is a juvenile. By the way, it is just beautiful:happy: :happy: :happy: