Okay, who here names their fish...


My kids use to name all of the fish until they got older. The lone survivor of the old tank is "pinky" an orchid dottyback.

chiquita o

New Member
Unfortunately I have to admit that I have a name for all of my fish and even my shrimp....
Obey wan the Goby is a neon goby
Toby the Goby is a yellow headed goby
Kobie the Goby is a orange dot goby
Chiquita is my yellow tang
Cornelius is a coral beauty angel
Nemo is of course my perc clown, origional I know. I tried to name him Emmit, but couldn't get away from calling him Nemo
Ozzie is my emerald crab
Caesar is the Lettuce Nudibranch
York, Patty, Bubba and Gump are my peppermint shrimp
Robin is the name of both of my cleaner shimps (named after my mom because she cleans obsessively)
That is the crew.... I think it may start getting out of hand when I start naming my snails, hermits, and coral!


Here are mine
Dopey: Copper Band
Sherbert: Blue-eyed anthias
Lola: Gold Striped Maroon Clown, My little girl still calls her Nemo...lol
Stripes: Four stripe Damsel, a lot of thinking went into that one
Rosco: Red Scooter Blenny


Active Member
"Obey wan the Goby is a neon goby"
LOL-for real!! But, does Obey Wan use the mind trick on you to get fed more often or anything ? ?
Obey wan said, "I want to get a bigger tank"(with a small wave of the fin).
Chiquita says in a monotone, "I want to get a bigger tank".
Obey Wan said, "I will check the water parameters often".
Chiquita, "I will check the water parameters often".
Obey Wan, "I will get a FEMALE neon goby".
Chiquita, "I will get a FEMALE neon goby".
. . . . .
Use the force, Chiquita!
I must apologize in advance for having a lot of fun with your fish names. Honestly LOL!

michelle l

I sometimes name my fish...mostly I just refer to them by what they are. "Hey, crab...", "Hey, shrimp...."
Ironically, I sometimes call my yellow Tang "Pootie." I call my Cortez, uh...."Cortez." I used to call my emerald crab "Crabby Crab" but he died. :( And I sing the song "Crab People" to my huge strawberry hermit crab because he's so big and ugly, and reminds me of the hybrid crab people that were on an episode of "Southpark."

jonny bolt

I'm a kook! I name my fish!
Maroon Clown - "Doink"
Diamond Goby - "Bailey Cane" (evil cousin of my dead Orange Spotted Goby, "Bailey Nudd aka Nuddskee")
Atlantic Pygmy Angel - still havent figured out a name for it, and I've had it since last April.
Fuzzy Dwarf Lion - "Chuck Rubble", just call 'em Rubble. (named after Chuck Liddell and Barney Rubble)
Valentini Puffer - "Price" aka "Puffiz, Puffah".


Maroon clown: Peanut (as in circus peanut....circus clown....)
Pair of Ocellaris clowns: G and Unit

chiquita o

New Member
Obey wan's mind tricks work on all the fish except for Nemo. Nemo still gets bad vibes from him and chases him out of his personal space. Everyone else lets him hitchhike wherever.... even my gobies and blenny. BTW, I forgot about Penny the Blenny. She is a lawnmower


Active Member
ok.. ill tell my fish's names..
lunatic wrasse
clown trigger
tang (powder bron tang)
and thats it.. i like there names.. even tho they i dint come up with them 1st.. still nice tho..


Perc clowns : nemo, sunkist, and a-treat
hippo tang: Dori (sorry!)
LMB: Blenidict Arnald
Cortez Angel: El Camino
Cleaner Shrimp: Shrimpy 2


Found more than one thread on this topic, so forgive the repeat :)
Yellow Tang - Edna - she was originally donated to a nursing home by a woman named Edna
PJ Cardinals - Keith & Doris - after my late uncle Keith and his wife. Keith always was a bit wild-eyed
Coral Beauty - Velvet - because she looks as soft as
Chocolate Chip Starfish - CiCi
Lobster - Norman - after a customer of my husband's

Turbo Snails - Snowflake, Quasimoto, Athos, Porthos, Aramis - snow is white as, quasi has a huge hump, and the other 3 I can't tell apart so i used the 3 muskateers

I admit I don't name my hermit crabs


New Member
Snowflake Eel- JooJoo (cause that way when he does something bad i just yell "Bad Joojoo!")
Green Spotted Puffer- P. Diddy, or Puffy for short
Maroon Gold Striped Clownfish- Sideshow
Scooter Blenny- Scotty (my friend thought i said scooter blarny, which made me think he's irish, so scotty)