oklahoma frags ready to go

mpls man

Active Member

Originally posted by diddley
orange with orange skirts. flouresce nicely under actinics. have three frags ready, 2 already have 5-6 polyps.

diddley, if your interested in shipping the zoo's i'm interested in some, i live in MPLS 55406, thanks


New Member
Thanks diddley those frags are very colorful. You should come to a meeting of COMAS and if you join you can get free frags and there is about 40 members and at the meetings you can just talk saltwater with other reefers.


still got plenty of xenia and blue mushrooms, still have the red and hairy mushrooms, and have new green tree and orange zoanthids ready to go. looking for trades and/or will sell to locals. i'm also considering shipping to warm climates now that spring has sprung.


I would be interested in some of your frags, but since the changing of the boards here, I can no longer see any of the pictures. Can you repost the pics or can you email them to me at glenmusick@bellsouth.net? I would be interested in anything but xenia (not sure if you have any anyway).

nm reef

Active Member
A prime example of one of the problems associated with changing the forums. The owner is aware of the problem with the loss of pics on the old threads. I hope it'll be corrected. I'd hate to think searchs for old threads will always come up without the pics attached to them.


here are the pics again. Brandino, i have some green ones and some brown/orange and a couple of others i need to frag. have you got some sweet stuff from that club you are in? i'm willing to buy red or blue zoo's from you. anyway, i have frags available:



i also have blue mushrooms (may look more purple, depending on actinic)-- this is the mother colony. i also have one frag of these greens ready to go, i'm asking 15 each for the xenia, tree leather, and zoo's, and 10 each for shrooms. i will ship, but not just one frag, needs to be 3 or 4. local pickup and trades are great, too!


nm reef

Active Member
diddley....kewl that you responded and posted the missing pics back up.
I do want to mention a small matter though. This forum was created and is described as "a place to discuss and trade SPS corals....your thread...and numerous others may be better off in the classified forum.....its not just you by any means....I just wanted to mention it and see what the general response is....in the future threads not related to sps corals may possibly be moved to more appropiate forums.


Originally Posted by NM reef
diddley....kewl that you responded and posted the missing pics back up.
I do want to mention a small matter though. This forum was created and is described as "a place to discuss and trade SPS corals....your thread...and numerous others may be better off in the classified forum.....its not just you by any means....I just wanted to mention it and see what the general response is....in the future threads not related to sps corals may possibly be moved to more appropiate forums.

Not to be picky NM but if you read the descrip for this forum it says "A NEW Forum to discuss and trade Corals. Also for Reef Club announcements." :happyfish
Also, I think that people think of the classifieds forum more for equipment then for corals and such.


Staff member
Actually, I thought the forum was for corals, sps and "trading" not buying. To me, that means you can talk about any and all corals, including sps and you can trade corals, but not buy/sell them.
SWF.com forums is not the place to run a hobby business on the side, unfortunately, if this keeps up in this forum, we risk possibly loosing it. Lets keep to trading, friends, ok. :D