old fish


How long have you had any live stock in your tank? Corals or fish? How old? And what species?
I've met a few people who told me that one had tomato clowns for 22years! Another had a clown trigger for 9 and a powder blue for 8 years! Wow
I find it really cool that you can have these type of animals really become pets.
One thing they all had in common though was they all had very large tanks.


Well-Known Member
True blue Mushrooms...5 years
I have a Blue Hippo Tang, I got it as a tiny thing but I'm not sure how long..I know it's at least 5 or 6 years.

tangs rule

Active Member
I've had my hippo for ~8 years. I've a corky finger gorgonian that was one of the very 1st inverts I ever bought back in 2001, and it's still doin great. There are 3 hermits I've had for at least 5 years, as they are now 3/4" across and roam around in pingpong ball sized turban snail shells. There are 2 turban snails that are now 8+ years old and have golfball size shells. The bluegirdled angle that I just put into the 475 is a species known to last 22 years in the home aquarium, and I figure mine is about 2 years old, so am looking to have him till I retire.


Active Member
My stuff is young for the most part, but my Orange Ocellaris Clown is at least 5-6 years old...i got her from my older brother who had her in a little 10g for 2 years, then i got it and paired it with a black one.the black one is prabably 3-4years and my firefish are like 1year.


My 225G will be 3 years old in July, and first inhabitants added in late July 2008 were
1 Sailfin tang, 1 pseudochromis, yellow tang, lawnmower blennie, green chromis (which I have 2 left) and the blue yellow tail damsel...SOOO all of these are almost 3 years old
IN August 2008, I added the blue hippo tang, coral beauty and 2 perc clowns..
.my first corals was green ricordia and candy cane, and a purple capricornis added 1/09
ALL of this I obviously still have...and I am just listing my oldest stuff


Active Member
Our oldest fish is the yellow tang, at least 10 years old. Oldest files that I can date goes back to 1999.
Some of my more impressive/meaningful figures, come from fish that are generally shortlived in aquariums.
(All are still alive and well)
Leopard Wrasse, purchased in 2004
Spotted Mandarin, purchased 2006
And my Rock Beauty angel, purchased Nov. 2008.
What I sometimes find as impressive as age, is growth. My Spiny Burrfish has grown from the size of a pea, to now being over 10". Netted ourselves in March 2007.
Corals, acan colony and candycane corals purchased in 2006.
What is sad looking back. for me at least, is the places you purchased all these fish, and others, that no longer exist. As well as generally no meaningful replacement stores appearing.