Old Pets



i had a dog that was 14 in human years and she was a golden retriever, but we had to put her down... she was the oldest pet i had. The second oldest one was a 7-year-old 6-foot-long iguana named betty. She was amazing. Sorry i don't have any pics...


We have 4 dogs but the oldest is a sable Pomeranian my parents got me for Christmas in 1993. She turns 13 on October 15 :cheer:
Still in pretty good health and very active but i worry if this might be the last birthday we have with her

I know everyone says this about their pet but she really is the greatest dog thats ever lived, lol. She literally has NEVER, not once gone to the bathroom in the house, doesnt chew things, incredibly loyal, loves tocuddle and kiss, incredible with the kids. Everything you could ever want in a dog

Only downside, like all Poms.... She is a YAPPER!
I'll try to post a pic tonight


Active Member
i had a poodle that was 18 in people years, we finaly had to put him down, he turned blind, deph(sp), and had no teeth, but he seemed to be as happy as any dog could be with all that
and we have a pom that is like 15 but god she is annoying she cant hear and she just barks and barks never stops


Active Member
My 18 year old cat just passed away last month... she had survived numerous close encounters with foxes, coyotes, Greta Horned Owls, and raccoons.
She couldn't beat old age though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PonieGirl
:cheer: Ringo is nine years old (on Sept 23)! :cheer:
Post your oldest pets!

Cute cockateil. I used to have one named Mr. Bojangels


My 21 year old cat died last year. That hurt, she came with me everytime I moved and I had her since I was 7. We raised her from birth because she was the runt of the litter. I miss her so much. People used to come over that I hadn't seen in years and say, OH MY GOD IS THAT THE SAME CAT?? It's sad because we get so attached to our pets and the unconditional love they give you is so missed once they pass on.


Active Member
They do become family members so quickly.
These are such amazing ages! Just think about it. Not only living your life, but, wow, :happyfish (or cat or dog or bird) also providing for these little creatures.
I think it's awesome.


My mom has a 31 year old cockatiel......the oldest one i've ever heard of.....and he's still going strong :cheer:


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
My 18 year old cat just passed away last month... she had survived numerous close encounters with foxes, coyotes, Greta Horned Owls, and raccoons.
She couldn't beat old age though.

I'm so sorry to hear that... I have a 15 year old cat, Felix... I will be so, so, so... sad... when he 'goes'.
I can't remember life without him...

tx reef

Active Member
My mom got a german sheppard puppy when I was 1 year old. We had to put her down when I was 15 due to internal bleeding and some tumors.
I was devastated. Everyday when I came home from school I kept expecting her to come to greet me.....it was very hard to deal with.


these are my other babies besides my fish! :happyfish I still have them too! first pic. is of my baby "copper"
the second pic. is me and my husband with some friends on a ride on over 4,000. ac. of just beautiful land!
and the third pic. is "Emerra" she is crazy! LOL



Active Member
Originally Posted by dmm0724
My mom has a 31 year old cockatiel......the oldest one i've ever heard of.....and he's still going strong :cheer:
I want to drink the water at your Mom's house!!!!! That is amazing. I have heard 20 something as a stretch. Curious, is that bird a male?


Active Member
Originally Posted by psycho
these are my other babies besides my fish! :happyfish I still have them too! first pic. is of my baby "copper"
the second pic. is me and my husband with some friends on a ride on over 4,000. ac. of just beautiful land!
and the third pic. is "Emerra" she is crazy! LOL

How old, Phsyco? I knew a horse that was 17 (his name was Moses). Beautiful babies!


Active Member
This our "Kelb tal-Fenek he is 5 1/2. A True blood line can be distinquished by the white star on the chest, white socks and the red nose. Not old, but the oldest one I currently have.


hey ponie nice cockatiel....i have one too and they really do get attached very quick

p.s my oldest pet right now is a 5 year old Albino CornSnake, but my oldest ever was a 9 year old Guinea Pig