Old residents.....New fish!!!!!


I have a 65gl reef w/85lbs LR and 4 fish- Midas Blenny
6line Wrasse
2 True Percula's
I want to add more fish but I am affraid some of them, maybe the 6line will be aggresive towards them and kill them. My fish have been in the tank for 6 months.
What fish would be a good match for my OLD RESIDENTS that are REEF SAFE


I know it is one of the most common fish but, Yellow Tangs make GREAT additions to reef tanks. The fish you have now will be fine with a tang. Another good fish I have seen in a reef tank with the fish you have is a Flame Angel.


OH wow, what a question! Do you have your marine books out???
There are lots and lots of fish you can add.
Your wrasse shouldnt be a problem, Just try to add fish with some size on them, not the 1 inch fish you get via mail order!!
IIs this a fish only tank or reef set up?


id try to go with a flame angel or a coral beauty in my opinion the flame angels are alsome but if you find a coral beauty with a bight yellow belly i think they look real good.


Thanks!!!!!! Are the Flame Angels reef safe??? I had a Coral Beauty in another tank and he picked at my Star polyps frequently. Can you think of anything else that would match well? Would another Midas Blenny be possible???? The one in there has been in for about 6months!


Yes. Flame Angels are very reef safe. It is the large Angels that you should worry about in a reef. Large Angels like the Queen or Asfur or French etc. The dwarf/small Angels are mostly reef safe. Like the Flame or Coral Beauty for example. The Flame Angel is a beautiful, beautiful fish.
Have fun!


It is not a good idea to put two blennies together-two gobies, two angels in most cases.
So find another fish to add out of all your choices. I agree one of the pygmy angels would be nice-the flame hides in the rocks quite a bit, but he sure will comeout to eat!
Firefish are also great in reef tanks as are Chromis. Have fun at the fish store!


If you had to choose between a Coral Beauty and a Flame Angel for a 65gl reef with 85lbs pf LR. LPS coral SPS and softies. Whic one would it be??? :hilarious


New Member
I'd go with the flame b/c i think its alot better looking fish, and it should be fine in your setup. Also because you already have a coral beauty in another tank, why not add some variety with the flame. That's just my $.02. Go with whichever one you like best.