Sounds like the rock is pretty nasty looking then?
I would get like a 35G trash can. And maybe another smaller sized trash can. (Something to hold some saltwater in that would be big enough for your LR. buckets would work as well)
Mix up some salt and put that in the bucket. Clean the LR off in there. Can use a soft toothbrush. Make sure it is a new brush though.
Then, I would mix up your salt mixture in the 35G trash can. Put a powerhead in there along with a heater and let it go for a day. Actually, I would do this first. Then it will be all ready to go once you have the LR cleaned.
For cleanup crew I would get like 10 hermits. Can be various kinds. Maybe like 5 nassarious snails. When you get the hermits be sure to put some extra empty shells in there for them to play with or they will kill the snails. You could even go with a cleaner shrimp. (but I would add him like a week after the hermits if you decide to do that)
Hope that helps.