Oldcastle tropical play sand found in PA


I found Oldcastle tropical play sand at the Home Depot in Souderton, PA. 50 lb bags for $5. They still have almost a whole pallet. Just thought I would post in case anyone in area was looking for some. According to posts I have read, this is the good stuff.


New Member
Where in PA is Souderton? I have a friend heading out there and if it's close, I may have him bring some back to WI. We're out!


New Member
Curses- so close and yet so far. He's only going as far as Annville. And then he has to head south. Might be time for a vacation out there- it's been a few years...


Tell your friend to check any Home depot that he is near when in PA. They package that sand in PA. Good chance other Home Depots in PA will have it
Good luck.


New Member
I may just do that- the HD's in WI, IL, MN, IA are out. Good thing he's taking a truck!


Hello, We have that sand at the HD store here also. I was just going to go get some when I read a thread on New Hobbyists that said it did not pass the vinegar test. Now I don't know if I should still go get some.


I dont have any vinegar on hand, so I did not check it. It had the same bag I saw in other posts. The bag also says not recommended for aquarium use. I have read in post that it only says that because they want people to buy the stuff they package specially for aquariums at a higher price. I am not 100% sure though.


wait a second,, i live in p.a
how good is this sand?? whats the deal ?? ill try searchign about it now, but anyone whoc an fill me in that would be great caus ei need sand for my new tank...and i need alot of it!


o.k so i did a search and found pretty much all my answers, the only question i have left is will a 50 pound bag of this sand be enough to put a 2 inch sandbed on the bottom of a 200 gallon tank???


I dont know if one bag would be enough. If it were me, I would get more since it is so cheap. Better too much, than not enough.
Good luck.


no one bag is not enough.. more like 4-5 plus. i have a 55 and i have 2 and 3/4 bags in it.. average sand depth 2 inches