OMG Ammonia wont go down !!!

IM wondering my ammonia NEVER goes down for some reason, it stays around .15-.25
the tank is around 2 and a half months old... any help


Originally Posted by Aquatica-Tech
IM wondering my ammonia NEVER goes down for some reason, it stays around .15-.25
the tank is around 2 and a half months old... any help

Have your water double checked at your LFS. Sometimes kits can give a false possitive reading. Do you have any live stock in the tank?


Active Member
How big is the tank? How much live rock and and? How many critters and what are they? What kind of biologicla and mechanical filtration?
I only have 4 hermit crabs and thats it, but ill go do that cause it always stays at those levels but then again I havent done a water change. Will a water change make a difference?


Originally Posted by Aquatica-Tech
I only have 4 hermit crabs and thats it, but ill go do that cause it always stays at those levels but then again I havent done a water change. Will a water change make a difference?
It certainly will. Do you feed the crabs anything?
I have a 55 Gallon tank with 25 #s of LR and 40 #s of LS and a sump as a filter and around 1100g worth of flow no critters besides 4 hermits


Originally Posted by Aquatica-Tech
Yea I feed the hermits these little pellets called Shrimplets and thats it
How often? You realy do not have to feed them much at all. Once a week is enough, they can feed from the rock and sand. I would do a water change then test again. If it is reading the same then take a water sample to your lfs.
Well I feed them almost everyday cause I would think that all that bio-load would increase how much bacteria is in my tank and that with that much bacteria I wont have that much of a problem in the future with ammonia. But ok im going to do the water change and see how it comes out, Thanks Guys


Originally Posted by Aquatica-Tech
Well I feed them almost everyday cause I would think that all that bio-load would increase how much bacteria is in my tank and that with that much bacteria I wont have that much of a problem in the future with ammonia. But ok im going to do the water change and see how it comes out, Thanks Guys

Let us know how it works out.