OMG CLOSE ONE mabey alittle to close


my baby snowflake eel jumped out of my tank and i found him under my mini fridge and he was still alive and wiggling and stuff and i put him back in the tank. Well he be ok?How long can they be out of water with out them dieing?
I think my eel when i put him back in the water i noticed that he was sheding is the what they are apost to do? I hered of snakes sheding but not eels even though I know eels are just like snakes but they live in water.


i'm sorry, but i can't even read that.
it might be my short attention span, but i think you will get better responses from people if you use puntuation and maybe even a few separate sentences.


that looks much better. sorry if i came across as being harsh. it wasn't in my intentions to affend you.
anyway, i hope your eel will be okay. its survival will depend on a lot of factors. first of all, do you know how long the eel was out of water? if you saw it happen and then fixed the problem quickly, it should be fine. all you can do is just give him the best environment possible for a full recovery.
this includes nutrition, good water quality, suitable tankmates, and a suitable tank itself. But i'm sure you knew all that. good luck, and keep us posted.


o no no im not affended in anyway its alright but i was scared i think it was out like what about 10 min mabey a little more because im thinking if he was out long he would be stiff and when i put him back into the tank he went strait under his favorite rock and hes been breathing normally like he use to when i first got him.


if he was healthy to begin with, and he is in a healthy envirnonment, then he should pull through. i'm sure that was scary though. a lot of us have found our fish on the floor when it was too late, and we all know how scary that can be.


ya in my 50 gallon there is alot of live rock work caves stuff like that in there some corals but i only have 2 baby eels in there so far and theres about 90 pounds of live rock in there all neatly stacked where if u jump or hit the glass it wont fall on them. Ya I was very shocked when i found him on the floor still alive. i was panicing to find something to pick him up with and i just grabed my sock. Its crazy because i left the led open about 2 inches so some air can come in and not let the moon light and the other light let it get to hot in there were it heats up the water.


you could do some things in the future to keep your eel(s) from carpet surfing.
egg crate might help if you can find some with small enough holes. you could also get a closed canopy that extended upwards a good 6 inches.


true true. well hey i thank you soooooo much for your time but its 1.20 am over here in texas so im going to sleep and I thank you sooooooooo much for your time because i love my little eels soo much that id do anythin for them to live but thank you again
Your friend Aaron


all the time. i just saw my temp a little to high 82 so i wanted it to get back to normal which is 78-80


Originally Posted by Emperor11
Eels can live up to 6 hours out of the water.
that's amazing


Active Member
my black eel went tile surfing one night i thought for sure he was dead when i found him the next morning.i litterally had to peel his crusty body off my kitchen floor.went to bag him up and he flinched skeered the tar outta me lol.tossed him back in his tank and he has been fine sinse.if hes very small i reccomend glass tops they will find anything they can their heads through to be an escape first eel was also a sfe ened up in my aquaclear filter i had to duct tap everything shut lol
ps it was shedding skin it was shedding crusty slime caot lol


lol wow i would of been scared if my eel would of flinched at me lol but ya i really didnt think eels r so smart jeez


Active Member
sfe are nocturnal hunters so they do most of there escaping at night will searching for food or just freedom lol.i did find that if i feed 10 min b4 lights out they sleep at night


thats neat ima try doing that tonight because sometimes at night when i turn the lights off he well go swimming up to the surface of the water its crazy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by LemonPeel2
Not be a smart {edit} or anything, but its offend not affend. Hope your eel does well after his encounter.
mine has been fine ever sinse tg and he no longer escapes