OMG!!! From 1 Sea Star to 2!!


New Member
Our itty-bitty teeny-tiny chocolate chip sea star has split into 2!! I couldn't believe it when I saw it earlier! Now we have to come up with another name!
I just hope they're both still out when my son wakes up in the morning! It's so cool! :jumping: :cheer:


New Member
I'm pretty sure it's a cc, as it's tan with little brown marks that are starting to be bumps. I could be wrong, but I just googled the asterina star, and although there are a variety of pics, I couldn't find any that looked like what we have in the tank. I have a pic of ours that I'll see if I can get my hubby to put on here tonight. I finally got him to get the pics off the camera onto his computer, now I just have to get him to show me how to put them on-line!! Men! Can't live with them, can't do anything on the computer without them! (at least I can't!!)
Hopefully, I'll be able to post some pics tonight, not only of Peach (this star), but also of our 2 brittles, and of the rest of the tank!


Originally Posted by lovethesea
are you sure your little star is a CC star? could be an asterina star??
Are those the stars that constantly multiply in the tank from the LR if so I have about 30 of them. I see a new one everyday.


Active Member
Chars....I guess my CC is so dang big, I can't imagne them being so small

He is quite the bum in the tank.

When your hubby puts a pic up, make sure he reduces it to at least 500x500 pixels or less.
Otherwise it gets rejected.
It took about 5 people here AND my hubby to get me to understand how to do that

Now I'm good to go.........usually. But don't ask me much else about the computer...I am not the brightest bulb in the box.


New Member
Well, I guess I made an incorrect identification of my sea star!

I feel silly!! Oh well! Anyway, I guess this is just the start of something fun!


Active Member
Yes, certain stars can do this but chocolate chips are not typically one of them. Was this a hitch hiker star or one you bought? Picture? How big is it? I am thinking from the above posts that you have identified it as the common Asterina hitch hiker which most certainly does reproduce by splitting.
Keep in mind that this may also be a very bad sign in some cases with certain types of stars (eg chocolate chips).


Active Member
No, they do not. If this happens, something is wrong - either water quality, predation, or a "feeding injury" (the animal literally ate something too large and it burst through). They might or might not recover. But it is not a typical method of reproduction. Those brittlestars that do reproduce by splitting have 6 arms. 3 arms are required by brittlestars to move properly...