OMG I just got some dwarf seahorses!


New Member
Just wanted to share with you guys that I just received 5 dwarf seahorses by male. And geez talk about dwarf... The are sooo small and active. I LOVE THEM... I also have two other bigger seahorses that I bought at a local fish store. Will these guys get along with each other? I got one pregnant dwarf seahorse. His stomach is HUGE. On the sheet they gave me it says to sprinkle some brine shrimp egg in the tank? I remember reading something about that and you shouldn't do that? Well I didn't expect my ponies to arrive today and I have work tomorrow all night. Won't have time to hatch it in time so I just sprinkle it in the tank. 1 time shouldn't hurt.... Well I will post up some pics soon.


New Member
I just sat the water bag in there for thirty minutes. Did the water procedure. The pregnant male sank to the bottom and was breathing hard. I thought he might of been in shock or something. But 5 mins later he start swimming and wiggling and out goes a baby. Size of his stomach I think he probably will have like 7-9 more. Not sure..


For your dwarf seahorses you will need to decapsulate brine eggs daily and feed the dwarfes bbs DAILY(their snouts are too small for any other food,except MAYBE cyclo-peeze).They will NOT be ok w/ your larger seahorses as they will out compete them for food..if you don't have time for all of this you may want to cut your losses now.I made an uneducated purchase of a "family of dwarfs" and ended up eating $120..better that than the loss of their lives due to my ignorance.


New Member
How many dwarf seahorses do you have? How many did you start off with? And also how small is your tank. Right now I housing them at a 4 1/2 gallon nano tank. I might have to seperate the TWO normal size seahorses by tomorrow. I am concern that the babies will be lunch for them. I have a small WHISPER overflow filter which I put cotton around the tube so the babies won't get suck in.


Active Member
how did you hear about these seahorses? are they eating the food you give them- sometimes it can take quite a while to switch them to non-living food-. I feel like im missing something here


New Member
I'm hatching brine shrimp eggs right now. It should hatch soon. I wasn't prepare and didn't realize they already shipped them out to me. They are so small that they can only eat BABY brine shrimps. But I like these seahorses way better because they swim around a lot and its interesting.


New Member
Its not that great but hope you can see the dwarf seahorses. You can see two of them next to my GREEN heater on the right side. See two yellow things by the green plant ON TOP.. Those are it. And the seahorses on the bottom is the regular one.


Like I stated will need to hatch brine regularly because any brine after 2-3 days will not only lose its nutritional value but will also be too large for your dwarfs to eat..fortifying w/ supplements will help as well.They are adorable,just hard to keep.
Good luck and btw..most keep the dwarfs in a 3 gallon or smaller for easier concentrated feedings.Also make ure the water doesn't break beneath them from any source as oxygen bubbles can and usually will be their demise.


Active Member

Originally posted by Katara
Also make ure the water doesn't break beneath them from any source as oxygen bubbles can and usually will be their demise.

What do you mean by that? I don't understand, how can an oxygen bubble hurt them?:confused:



Originally posted by cprdnick
What do you mean by that? I don't understand, how can an oxygen bubble hurt them?:confused:

If they get an oxygen/air bubble trapped in their stomach they will not be able to ingest foods.. and,since their bouyancey depends on the water movement surrounding them: water breaking from beneath them is a bad idea.Too strong of a current from any direction is not reccomended,they are not strong hunters.