I have very sad news!!!
I came home last night and didn't see one fish swimming around. I looked and looked and man most of em were dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I said WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I checked the temperture and it was 100 DEGREES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You could feel the heat off the glass. Man I quickly turned on the ac and opened the top and put a fan acrosss it but man it was too late. My beautiful 75 gallon was a graveyard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I checked my heater and it was on what I always keep it at 76 degrees. I guess the thermostat went on it. I have no clue to why it went so high. I have a PRO HEAT 300 watt titanium heater and its almost a year old. The room was not even close to 70 degrees. So I know the heater must have went. I am sooooooooooooo upset....... Man those poor fish......................... Well I have to start all over again.......... Well only one Tang survived and 2 lawnmomer blennies. I don't know even if they will make it. Oh well a lesson learned.......... and an expensive one!!!!!!!
Does anyone know if they have a heater that turns off if it goes beyond your settings? I would love to know. I lost some nice fish............ 2 Sabae clowns, 2 Purple firefish, 1 scisssor tail gobie, 1 bullet gobie(sleeper banded), 1 Manderin, 3 Yellow Tangs, 1 watchman gobie, 2 damsels, and a hatian anemone. Oh man all that hard work and stuff all shot to
Well I have to start all ove again......................
Thanks............... Trigger
I have very sad news!!!
Does anyone know if they have a heater that turns off if it goes beyond your settings? I would love to know. I lost some nice fish............ 2 Sabae clowns, 2 Purple firefish, 1 scisssor tail gobie, 1 bullet gobie(sleeper banded), 1 Manderin, 3 Yellow Tangs, 1 watchman gobie, 2 damsels, and a hatian anemone. Oh man all that hard work and stuff all shot to
Thanks............... Trigger