Omg, my fish just vanished??


My yellow coris just vanished out of no-where.
where is he
do they dig
I was just wondering if they burrow under the cc for night time??
he definatly dident jump out
HELP :help:


Active Member
my lunear wrasse also does that freaked me out the first time .I was like how the heck do you lose a 7 inch fish? lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by aquaria
My yellow coris just vanished out of no-where.
do they dig
I was just wondering if they burrow under the cc for night time??
Also..this fish should be living with a sand substrate..not CC.If you cannot replace the substrate,at least put a container of sand in the back of the tank for him to burrow in.


I Have That Problem With My Clown Gobies Ive Only Seen Them One Or Twice And Ive Had Them For About A Week Know There Hiding Out In My Lr


Active Member
Originally Posted by aquaria
what do you recomend feeding this fish
im trying primereef formula but i dunno if its working
as foods i feed my lunear wrasse thera+A pellets 2 times a per day by spectrum and a mixture of prepared frozen foods in th pm I feed to my other fish as well . they like meaty foods with a tad of greens (fingers if your not careful )
i mix all of the formula foods form 1 -2 and so on including prime reef and angel foods
squid yum yums
clam yum yums
emerald entrese
mysis shrimp
.he also goes after silver slides when i feed my larger fish
I mix all these foods together ina cup of water add 2 drops of garlic extreme and 1 mil of selcon let thaw smash all the formula cubes (gell based and just sink if you dont) then pour into each tank. I have people all of the time come over and see my tanks(others from a local forum) even those that have a lunear wrasse dont recognize it because of the bold coloring below are a couple pics sorry the pics arent the greatest hes hard to get a good photo but even fuzzy you can still see the bold coloring


Active Member
Originally Posted by promisetbg
Also..this fish should be living with a sand substrate..not CC.If you cannot replace the substrate,at least put a container of sand in the back of the tank for him to burrow in.
they do fine in cc they will find crevases in the rockwork also to hide make sure you have tops on they can be jumpers


for you guys how long are they buryied in ur tank lol
mine seems like forever
but when hes out its worth it
thanks for all this advice guys!!!


Active Member
i lost mine for an entire day i was freaking but hes only dont it once to where i couldnt find some part of him poking out of a rock.


Active Member
that is a pic of 125 its a 6 ft tank i took pic from end veiw.I now have 4 sw tanks up others being 300 semi agressive reef .90 eel tank and i set up 50 gal holding tank to qt my new fish(the new foxface)