Omg my hippo attacked


Just as it says, I went to put the long squirt feeder into the tank to blow some sand off the acans, and the blue hippo attacked it....
Came after it 3x and smacked it with it's tail
NOW the new bully of the tank has emerged
Do they bite


Active Member
No bites but that little white scalpel looking thing where their body meets their tail is muy sharp!!


LOL...Well ever since the damsels left, I have noticed the Hippo out more, and more aggressive too...just not to me.....Ever see the show When Animals Attack!!!! LOL.....I should make one....when my own fish try to eat me


My blue hippo was a bully and I ended up bringing him to a lfs after having him for 6 months... He grew alot during that time. I used my hands to remove the blue hippo from the tank since he would go nuts when a net went in the tank. Just cornered him, cupped him and right into a bucket so I wouldnt be scared of him.


Active Member
Hey Meowzer, my yellow tang does this all the time. Try moving your corals around with a yellow tang attempting to slice you with his tail......not fun!! He's so fast too...


Originally Posted by luvmyreef
Hey Meowzer, my yellow tang does this all the time. Try moving your corals around with a yellow tang attempting to slice you with his tail......not fun!! He's so fast too...

LOL...PHEW!!!!!! so glad it's just not me then....I was thinking WHAT!!!!! ANOTHER KILLER NOOOOOO


I have all my fish attack my hand when I go into the tank. Not all at one time, but not one of them has not bitten me. Not bad bites or scrapes, just when I feed them. The midas blenny has the biggest bite to me though.