OMG, our lfs is SOOOO dumb


Active Member
we were looking around at the lfs today to see what they had, and someone came in to get a trigger fish from one of the 55g tanks. well the guy that went to get the fish for him didnt know what he was doing and almost killed all the other fish in the tank trying to get that one fish!! first he couldnt find it, so he started to move all the rocks in the tank, tipping them over, then when he couldnt find it still, he picked up one of the rocks, didnt see the fish, and DROPED THE ROCK ON A EEL!!! didnt even care he did it either, then went over to some other rocks, and started to lift them and drop them almost on the fish...........turns out the trigger the guy wanted was UNDER the first rock he tipped over, UNDER IT!! i mean how dumb can someone be!?!?! we had to leave the store right away before i started to yell at the kid. later im going to call and talk to the owner about him and make sure it doesnt happen again, it just makes me sick that people treat fish like that!


Active Member
Sounds sadly typical. Pet store that just wants to make money hires a young kid who justs wants a paycheck. I'd encourage you to go through with that phone call.


Active Member
it was just a little local pet shop, my husband used to work as a volunteer there when he was in high school and says it never used to be like that, it was just a punk kid that had no regard for the fish's well being. i was just watching in utter shock when i saw what he was doing!:eek: