OMG please help,


Active Member
If you let us know where you live we might be able to find someone to help you.
First things first....You should be using R/O (Reverse Osmosis water) to mix the salt with. Second make sure you know HOW MUCH you are mixing and you will have to find out what your salt level is or you could send the tank into shock depending on whats in there. Most things can not handle a large rapid change in salt level....

ric maniac

Active Member
i would first do a 10 gallon water change, then test ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites. they are the biggest concerns right now. if the ammonia is anything but zero do another 10 gallon water change. (same goes for nitrate) test again, and if you have to, do a 5 gallon water change. make sure that the levels on your water you are using for water changes are EXACTLY the same or everything will go into shock. if you need a list of stuff you need to pick up, here it is:
1.siphoning hose (not a garden hose!!! you need one made for aquariums.)
2.a heater. without aa heater this tank is doomed.
3. saltwater master test kit. do i really need to explain this one? lol
4. either a 5 or a 10 gallon bucket for the water change.
5.measuring cup that can be used solely for saltwater stuff.
6.distilled water or an r/o unit to clean your water. (under no circumstances use tap water unless you know EXACTLY what is in it.
7. a salinity measuring tool (i think you might already have one.
8. and last but not least, a glass cleaning instrument.


New Member
I hope your fishes make it, just curious how is it coming along? I know its not the best way to start a Friday but hopefully if you had to go to work or what not, you were able to take care of it before you left.

ric maniac

Active Member
.,-;`bump `;-,.