OMG!!! This is the freakiest thing you will see....Need help!!!


Active Member
So, I have no idea in the world how this got in there, but you can tell by the position that this was not ingested. It is the freakiest thing I have ever seen! Looking at one side of the tang shows where I think it entered, on the other side shows where its haning out. He's been like this for 3 days, and does not seem to be stressing. It is a plastic thing that holds the tags to the clothing!!!!! What the heck am I supposed to do besides break the whole tank down??
PS.....This is not where the store tagged him with his price, hes been in the tank for a few months.



That has got to be craziest thing I have seen!!! I haven't a clue as to what to do. Has the piece that's hanging out gotten any longer like maybe it's working itself out?? Are you sure it is what you think it is??


Active Member
I actually thought it was a piece of metal, it was my hubby who figured it out and that is what it is....I have not noticed in the three days any type of movement.


Active Member
is that a plastic thingy or is it the tangs poisonous spike?? did anything such as other fish piss him off lately? just a thought


Active Member
If you are correct about the spike thing, it would make sense. I just scraped all the coraline algea off the sides of the tank, and hes been fighting with his reflection since Sunday....He does thrash that side of his tail on the glass.....I thought to try and knock it out/off.


Active Member
Ok, been in this hobby for 8yrs and Im still learning, and yup...thats what it is! Just did a google. Thanks Blaze!!!
I was not looking foward to breakin down the tank!!


Active Member
That was my first thought. It's called a surgeon fish due to the scalpels it has on its sides right before the tail. They can be extended like a switchblade knife and are very sharp. That is how tangs protect themselves and they will swing their tail at aggressors.
However, I thought this case the projection was out ALL the time. If so, I have no clue. If it's his scalpels they should not be extended all the time but instead usually held close to the body.


Active Member
Sometimes, when they "fight" or slash, their spike will get hung up on something and get stuck out of joint...
Usually it will go back (after a while) but my Hippo did that, it was bent "back" (out of normal position) and eventually it fell off...
6 months later and it's showing signs of growing back...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stuckinfla
Ok, been in this hobby for 8yrs and Im still learning, and yup...thats what it is! Just did a google. Thanks Blaze!!!
I was not looking foward to breakin down the tank!!

yah i thought it was kinda weird that a fish would have a plastic tag like that. its always good to ask questions


Active Member
Originally Posted by BLAZEHOK68
yah i thought it was kinda weird that a fish would have a plastic tag like that. its always good to ask questions
Good call BLAZEHOK68 !


Active Member
Is it normally on just the one side? The other side looks like it has a little slash, but no scaple protrusion. Maybe the one side did get stuck in the "out" position. I've had tangs for yrs and have never seen this before. There is a Naso & Sail in there to with no sign of this. I luv this hobby!!
Hey Bigarn been a long time


Active Member
The blade doesn't normally stick out like what you are noticing... they lay flat against the fish so you don't really notice them... yours got the one side stuck on something and it is out of whack. It will probably heal in time.

Yellow Tang: the white is his blade.
BTW they call these fish Tangs because of the little blade.
From Websters: (noun) a projecting point or prong on a knife that fits into a handle...


Active Member
All Surgeonfishes are laterally compressed covered with very small scales giving their bodies a leathery appearance. They have long continuous dorsal fins, and small terminal mouths with fine teeth. What really distinguishes the whole family though is the presence of one or more spines on the caudal peduncle (the part of the body right before the tail fin), hence their scientific name from the Greek, acanthus = "thorn". With a twist of the tail these spines are used to as a formidable weapon when needed.
Your naso has two on each side in the orange spots and your Sailfin has one on each side in the purple area. Some like the Kole and purple tangs are hard to see but some like the Yellow stand out.
Its a bone and sharp like a razor. I have been sliced by my Hippo when I lifted him out of a bucket with bare hands. Dont ever do that.....


Active Member
It's a tough picture to see, but if you look close, This is my Hippo with his "spike" bent out backwards...Stuck in the "open" position...
Just before it fell out...


Active Member
Folks the tang police is here, move alone people there is nothing to see.... :happyfish
Tangs usually bend them when fighting with thier reflection in the yellow does that all the time.
As stated above, this is why they are called "Surgoen Fish"


Active Member
^ Dork....Hahaha. Cant believe I freaked over this. Well I never professed to being a pro...actually still a beginer. I luv this hobby!! Thank you everyone