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what do they do?
to tell u the truth i really dont know. we ended up movin the small fish that was in that tank to a cube tank and put aggressive fish in that tank w/ hopes that they would
1) eat it
2) it wouldn't be able to eat them
i do know there are different kinds, their bristles can cut ur hand and some are actually venemous :scared: . i also know they are horrible looking creatures and do grow fast. i think it actually "hatched" out of live rock we received. the one we had didnt look like it had a big enough mouth to eat say a trigger but maybe it coulda eatin a chromis. just didnt wanna take that chance.
i know when bristle worms are smaller, 6 line wrasses will/should take care of them. Hence, is y we have one in our new 125
it isnt really a desirable thing in an aquarium, ive heard of ppl making traps for them. my suggestion is grab that shell its in outta ur tank w/ a net and dispose of it.