OMG! you gotta listen to this story (yes i should of video taped it)


Active Member
Well since my lion died i have all these feeder shrimp and one feeder fish, so i decided to have some fun. I took the feeder fish and put him by my starfish, the starfish grabs the fish and pulls him under. Then my nasaris snail (sp) come and takes his mouth and drill through his eye sucking up all the insides even the 2 eyes! And the guppie is still alive when this is happening!!! :scared: :scared: :scared: I never knew a clean up crew was this mad! I should of video taped it to


Active Member
actully, it wasn't messy at all, you wouldn't believe how far the snails mouth stretched!! Yes, space geek my lion died, sitting down in the bed of macro algae
. AT least i know he is in a waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better place :cheer: