? on algae


I was wondering if i could get a fish if i have algae (red slime). I was looking at a lawnmower blenny or another fish that eats algae like a tang or somthing. All my other fish and coral are fine.


I really havent found a fish that will eat red slime algae. Sometimes my hermits will eat it but thats hit and miss. How much do you have is it a problem or just a few isolated areas because red slime usually means a phosphate prolem is occuring.


O i have it all over, everywhere, i have been battling for about 3 months. I think i am doing everything right.


I'm battling cyano now as well, and have been told it could be any of the following factors:
not enough flow
bulbs need to be changed
high nitrates
any amt of phosphates
too many nutrients (ties back to nitrates)
I've been told that Queen Conchs or fighting conchs can wipe out cyano pretty quickly and without chemicals, so I am going to pick up a couple today. You may want to try the same. I have heard from a member of my local club that they tried the red slime remover, and even at 1/3 the recommended dose, she lost a bunch of her inverts - shrimp, urchins, starfish, etc.
I have also heard someone say that if you leave your lights off for 3 days, it will kill it as well. I haven't done this yet because I'm too afraid of the impact it will have on my corals, so I am going to try the conchs and see what happens. Hope this helps. Keep us posted with your progress.


I had two conch's I noticed at night time they were snacking on my turbo snails... When I fought my cyno I stocked up on turbo's and crabs.. They took care of it.


I have heard that some crabs eat coral, is this true. If so what are some good inverts that "clean up?" What is a good amount to have? I have a 46 gal bow front.


i have seen this product out there called CHEMI-CLEAN and it is supposed to remove the red slime cyano bacteria. have read that it is safe for reefs,all inverts,diserable macro algaes,nitrifying bacteria and fish. it is made by BOYD ENTERPRISES,INC. i havent used it before but just trying to help.if someone has let me know how it worked?


I dont think that i will use the chemicals because if i do i will never know what i was doing wrong and i will keep doing it wrong so it could come back. But it is different if it is your last resort.