? on HT


I have a Yellow Tang that got ich. I put him in a 10 gal HT tank. I used water from my display tank which had perfect water conditions. After three days in the HT, the HT readings are:
Amonia .25
Nitrite .25
Nitrate 5-10
Temp 79-80
Water .021
Do I need to be worried about these levels. The only thing in the HT is a heater, water pump, and plastic pipe. Is there anything I can do to help the water quality?

bang guy

I like using a disposeable bio-filter like a sponge filter (you only need to toss the sponge). Unfortunately this need to be set up a week or so before you actually need it so you're too late for that.
I would suggest setting doing 50% water changes every day with water from the display tank. Discard the water from the HT.
You also might consider getting a bio-wheel going so you have some type of biologic filtration in the HT.