? on my blue hippo



i've just recently noticed a couple of white spots on my blue hippo. the fish seems to be doing fine, swimming around, eating fine. i'm just concerned it might be some kind of fish disease like ick or something. how will i know what it is and what do i need to do to take care of the situation? any suggestions are greatly appreciated. thanx.


do the white spots look like salt particles are attached to the fish or does he have white spots like coloration? if it looks like salt then its ick.


yeah, i do think it look like salt particles are stuck on it. it this contagious to the other fish, what do i need to do to take care of this? thanx for your help


Hippos are very susceptible to ich. You need to get him into a QT immediately, to treat him and to avoid the spread of the ich to your other fish. Check out the FAQ's on the disease & treatment forum.


:help: cant i just treat the tank the hippo is in with some kind of ich treatment from the pet store or will i kill the rest of my fish? i just got this hippo a few days ago and noticed a few white spots on him today. how did he get this in just a short period of time? the rest of the fish seem to be doing ok. ammonia 0, nitrite 0, pH 8.2, nitrates around 30. salinity levels is 1.021. or is quarantine my only option? if so, can i use same water from my tank in a 5-10 gallon QT tank? will i also have to put in some live rock as well. any help is GREATLY APPRECIATED. thanx.


Active Member
The only reliable treatments for ich are hyposalinity and copper. Hyposalinity is preferred as it puts less stress on the fish. Both treatments are toxic to invertebrates and all the beneficial worms and critters on live rock. There are treatments which are proposed that are reef safe but have very limited effectiveness, particularly with a blue tang which is often described as an ich magnet.
Your other fish may need treatment also as they would probably have caught the ich also.
Ich can be silent. The natural course of the illness ebbs and flows with the lifecycle of the protozoan so it will sometimes seem that the disease is getting better when in fact it is reproducing away from the fish and will sometimes come on worse with the next crop of parasites. That is why 3 weeks is recommended to keep fish in quarantine before adding them to your tank. Some fish build up a low level immunity which prevents them from getting sick (so it is possible that it was in your tank already). Hippos usually do not get this immunity.
Get a separate tank and treat all of your fish and then make that your quarantine tank so that you don't have these headaches in the future. If you keep your display tank fishless for a month the disease will be gone from there.


u can have a 5-10 gal tank but have some of the water in that tank from the main tank. Do not add meds to the water for the main tank. Take him out and put him in the med tank. No sand or CC just clear bottom and give him a PVC pipe for protection. Treat him there and when he is fully cured release him back into the tank. u can add a small piece of LR for filteration.


You need to QT the fish. The only acceptable treatments for ich that *I* know of are hyposalinity and copper. Both will kill your inverts; and copper will also leach into any sand or other decorative items you have in there. Never treat in your display tank!!
As far as what caused it... Your nitrates are a little high, you should think about a water change. Are you running a skimmer? Could be he was sick when you got him... one of the reasons it's a good idea to QT any new fish for 2-3 weeks before adding him to your display tank. 55 is too small for a hippo... he may have been stressed.
It's a good idea to use some cycled water from your DT if you don't have a QT already set up. Do NOT add any LR. QT should be bare-bottom, with some PVC or something similar as a hiding place.
Again, check out the Disease forum... I'm sure they will have lots more advice for you.


New Member
I have 240 reef tank with Hippo and other tangs . Last year my Hippo came down with ICK .I would try stuff called KICK ICK it's reef safe .Just follow directions on the bottle . I also use fresh garlic, minced garlic and soak some dry food in garlic with alitte water .I also feed them the garlic. There is something in the garlic that helps with ICk .I have used the garlic before and ever since I see the hippo with any white spots .They are gone in few days. Hope this helps. I just think I dip stress the fish more.
Good luck .But do something fast before the other fish catch it .Also get UV light



Originally posted by tampavii
I have 240 reef tank with Hippo and other tangs . Last year my Hippo came down with ICK .I would try stuff called KICK ICK it's reef safe .Just follow directions on the bottle . I also use fresh garlic, minced garlic and soak some dry food in garlic with alitte water .I also feed them the garlic. There is something in the garlic that helps with ICk .I have used the garlic before and ever since I see the hippo with any white spots .They are gone in few days. Hope this helps. I just think I dip stress the fish more.
Good luck .But do something fast before the other fish catch it .Also get UV light

yes you can use kick ich or kill ich or all the other stuff out there but you will fight it and fight it. It will come back unless you do hypo, or copper but, hypo is safer. Hypo is a pain I know but it will kill it.


New Member
Well I dont know If it was the KICK ICK or Garlic but fish have been ICk free over 1 yr now.
How are you going to get fish out of the tank with live rock for hippo dip?

dave flood

Is he a new fish ? Does he just have it in the morning ? If hes new it might go away. I had that when I first got my PBT it went away it was stress from ajusting to tank.


Kick Ick did not work for me. I ended up doing hypo in a QT. If you have not read the stick in the DIS. & TRET. board you realy need to read it. It was very usefull! Also garlic seems to work very well to help with ICK. Some people say garlic is the only thing you need to use to cure ICK. Here is a great artical about the affects of garlic on ICK.
Thanks to saltwwaterdave for the link!


well i got him last week through swf.com. i put him in a qt tank yesteday, and salinity level was about 1.016 as compared to my dt which is 1.023. he looked like he was about to croak in the qt, started turning white, so i got him out and put him back in the dt. seems to be doing 100% better, but still has a few white spots. i'm also noticing a few spots on my picasso trigger. now i heard that if i did a freshwater dip for about 5 minutes, put him back in the tank, and did that about once a week, that would get rid of the ich. any thoughts?


Active Member
FW dips are very stressful for the fish and will not cure ich. Since it is clear by your posts that the ich has spread, the only way to irradicate it is to leave your display tank fishless for at least a month. Meanwhile, you can properly treat the fish in hypo. I recommend you take a look at the stickies in the disease forum. There are no shortcuts IMO. Do not try to get around using the proper treatment.



Originally posted by karajay
FW dips are very stressful for the fish and will not cure ich. Since it is clear by your posts that the ich has spread, the only way to irradicate it is to leave your display tank fishless for at least a month. Meanwhile, you can properly treat the fish in hypo. I recommend you take a look at the stickies in the disease forum. There are no shortcuts IMO. Do not try to get around using the proper treatment.

Thats a BIG 10-4!