? on my clown and anemony


I have a clarkii clown, and have an anemony but i have had the anemony for a waial. I purchased the clown today and the people at the pet store where telling me that the clown fish should go in the anemony. I dont now what kind of anemony it is. It is kind of purple and the tips are really purple. Please tell me if my clown fish will go in the anemony or not. I now i should wait on till the fish gets used to the tank.


hey there buick392 - Welcome to the board
Lets take a stab at identifying your anemone. does it look like this? :thinking:


The picture of the anemony is some what like it but with a little more purple in it. My tank has bin running for a bout 3-4 weeks. I have two 10 watt 50/50 ( these are the ones that you screw in) they are both pointing out wards. and have a long tube 15 watt white light. Is there a posibility that, that kind of anenomy can be the wrong one. On the description of the fish on the site it says that it likes to be in ( carpet anenomy, sebae, and bubble tip anenomy). Some one also told me that the Haitian anenomys are the best host for the clown fish. Would you think it would take a longer time? Should i go out and buy a different kind of anenomy? Witch anenomy is the best for this type of fish?


The pic is of a sebea anemone.
Sorry but this isn't what you are going to want to hear. I might not quite understand but the way you have described your system then you only have 35 watts of normal lights?
IF so you do not have nearly enough lights to keep a photosynthetic animal like an anemone alive.
Also your tank is only a few weeks old, way to young and unstable for an anemone right now.
Unless you can get a hold of Power Compact or Very High Output lights then I am afraid that you will doom your anemone to a slow death.
Good luck


If its going to die why does it look nicer every day i see the anenomy.
Will the clown fish that i have, Will it host the anenomy? Is that the right anenomy for this fish?


Active Member
I think you are reffering to a purple tip haitian anemone...much like the florida condy but purple...er
The chances of it survivng are slim to none. I had one "look better and better every day" when I First started this hobby then it just died one day with no real explanation. then i came to the message board and learned that anemone are very creatures. good luck.


If its going to die why does it look nicer every day i see the anenomy.
Will the clown fish that i have, Will it host the anenomy? Is that the right anenomy for this fish?


Active Member
OK here....No your clown fish will probably not host your anemone. haitian and condys are like the ford pinto's of anemones. It is luck if you even get it to host within one of these.


Active Member
im guessing you have the haitian. so it owuld be luck. I have seen clowns host in sebaes and carpets but never a condy.


Could it be the posibility that it could be the florida one? Becouse i now that the haition ANEMONE Is kind of redish in the bottom.


The clown every once in awail it will look at the anemone and just wounder away. So i guess i should go get another anemone.
what type of anemone will go good with my clown?


Please don't get another anemone at this time. You don't have the equipment to take care of it and it will most likely die. Wait until you get a larger tank and better lighting that has been setup for a couple of months before you try a real anemone. A clownfish does not have to have an anemone anyway.



Originally posted by aarone
haitian and condys are like the ford pinto's of anemones.

Just got a laugh from that line!
How much did you pay for the anemone? If it was $10-$20 you probably got a condy and it will move all over your tank, knock stuff over, and likely get sucked up into a powerhead, and your clowns will not host in it. I agree w/ everyone on the lighting as well. How does it looks better every day?


Active Member
Clowns and Anemone's have a very specific relationship. Certain clowns generally take to certain anemone's.
Clarkii's generally are compatible with the following:
Sebae anemone
Long Tentacle anemone
Ritteri (Maroon) anemone
Carpet anemone
Saddle anemone
Bubble anemone
That information is from a compatibility chart I looked up. If you have a Sebae anemone, there is a chance it will host eventually. Sometimes it takes a while. Sometimes it doesn't happen at all if the clown is tank raised.
If it is a Haitian anemone, unfortunately they are not typically host anemone's.
Now, on to your questions about why the anemone keeps looking bigger.
It is most likely stretching out trying to get more light. It will give the appearance of growing bigger when in reality it is starving. Your lighting is completely inadequate for anemone's, as has been mentioned. I know...I tried keeping one under 120w of 30w NO tubes. It seemed fine for almost a year when it started getting smaller, and then just started to dissolve. It may take a while, but rest assured it will not survive for any amount of time.


what should i do with anemone? It looks like it is in good shape, and my water is good. There are other little plants in my tank, and a mushrom in there and they are both nice and open.


New Member
Hey I was wondering if your interested in buying a peruvian redtail boa. It was born last yrs. PM me for more info.


Active Member
I had to reply. What are your parameters and what is your setup. With that little amount of light you should just put that anemone in your freezer. You can try to take it back to the lfs for a return or store credit. Most stores will do this. Everyone else is right. Anemones need alot of light for them to survive. Good luck.


Anemone's are fantastic! Alot of us are reading this thread and shivering with info. and know your concern. Please read up on the Anemone requirements. You gotta forget them unless you really understand what they need. Good Luck!