I placed my first order with SWF.Com a few weeks ago. I was pleased with the order. However, I will say, point blank, that I was "dismayed" by their description of the orange linkia star, compared to what I found out after I ordered it. And yes, I admit, I should have done my homework first, but I was looking for something to bump my order above the $75 mark, and the description on the star was "care level: easy". My star, unfortunately, died during the guarantee period. However, SWF.COM did notify me, after I returned the star, and said they will be replacing the star.
So, I would buy from SWF.Com again, but I would first do research beyond their description of the item I was considering purchasing, and get some input from the more experienced SW folks. The great thing about this forum (and many thanks to SWF.COM for hosting the forums...they are GREAT!!!!) is that you have many people who are very willing to answer your questions, even though they may have been asked, and answered, a dozen times before.
Just my $.02.