? on outer orbit metal halide fixture


I just purchased the 72" outer orbit metal halide pc fixture. My two questions are; #1 on top I have four round holes that look like fans, the first three starting from the right are blowing air out, but the last one doesn't blow air out or suck air in?, #2 it has dual actinic (460/420 nm) pc's, one side lights up blue the other looks possibly lit up white. Is this correct?


New Member
Congrats on your purchase. I bought the 60" a month ago and love it. If you go and do a search on google for "outer orbit" you may find what you are looking for. I believe you have 3 halides running along the center and 4 actinics along the sides. they should all be blue not half blue and half white. Just an FYI, I do not know wht type of lighting you had before this, but I just had pc lighting. When I hooked up my outer orbit I got a major algae bloom from the lighting and heat diference. YOu may want to start of slow and gradually build up your lighting time. Watch the temp of your tank (if you are using the legs and not the hanging kit), my temp rose by 4 degrees. Good luck.


New Member
Two (on each end) are fans, and the one in the middle is just a hole with light emitting from it