? on Skimmer


New Member
I have a question on which skimmer I should purchase. I have narrowed the choices down to the asm g-3 or asm g-4. I know both of these will work but I wondered if I should go ahead and get the larger one or is this just throwing good money down the drain? This is a brand new tank so nothing has been done except starting to gather equipment. It is a 135 gallon oceanic, reef ready with double overflow, sump, 3 powerheads with wavemaker and of course other various eqp. I plan to have f, lr, ls, corals, and inv. in the future but for now I'm just researching and slowly buying things along the way. I'm in no hurry at all but I saw that this site had these two on sale for a good price and thougt I would take advantage. Any advice?