? on test kits


Wanted to get some opinions on test kits;
What brands are:
1. Easiest to use
2. Most accurate
I am tring to get a 55g reef started, slowly very slowly.


Active Member
For basic measures such as ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, and pH, FasTest is the way to go IMO. with the exception of pH, none of these need to be all that accurate. ammonia, and nitrie, if it is there, its bad, regardless of how much. nitrates, it gives a general ballpark figure which is good enough. as for pH, you will get varying opinions on this, but I like the FasTest. It is quick, and accurate. I have compared to a pinpoint monitor, and I get the same results. good enough for me.
on the other hand. the only other elements that i test for are calcium and alkalinity or hardness. These kits do need to be very precise. IMO, as well as many others, Salifert is the way to go. they are a little pricey, and a bit more complicated, but nothing that you cant handle. Its actually more a matter of getting used to following the directions rather than actual comlication.
welcome lfd-143. where is the lfd located @?
the test kits that i use are K/H, aquarium pharmecuticals, and one other. i picked them because they were available at the time i needed them and the price was in the range of the cash in my pocket.:( :cool:
didn't need the nat's bootie of accuracy, but they allow me to get w/in the proper range of water quality.
having a skimmer helps out. it takes out much of the gunk that floats around in your tank that you never get to see.;) :eek: matter of fact, i've got to tear mine down because its not operating as efficiently as it should.


I use a number of testing....but I have found that one of the cheapest and....all together useful is Tetra Saltwater Master Kit. I bought it for 20 bucks, and it has ph, nitrates, nitrites, kh, and amonia. The test last for a while..and the price is right. What other test I needed, I just bought seperatly online. Just an idea though....and they are pretty acurate.


Thank you to all that replied,
I do have the FasTest for pH,nitrate,ammonia,and nitrite and I like it. I think I will buy the Salifert master kit because I have heard other people say good things about it too. I just wanted the opinions of user on the board to see what they liked. And thanks again.
PS: Chainsaw-Lakeland Fire Dept is located in Suffolk County NY


Active Member
To be honest, and this is purely a matter of personal opinion, but dont waste your money on the salifert master kit. It is way too expensive and technical for things like ammonia, etc. As I already said, these tests dont need to be as accurate, but just reliable because if the test is positive, it doesnt matter how much is there, it is bad either way. Save your money and buy some other equipment that will be more practical. but once again, just my .02!:D


ok i bought a Red Sea Marine Test Kit and i lost the nitrates paper how much is a good level? I have been out of the hobby for about a year and 1/2 now i am gettin back in. Whats the difference between nitrates and nitrites?


Active Member
the cycle - ammonia to nitrites to nitrates
nitrites are toxic at any level, nitrates are less toxic and can be tolerated at higher leves but will most likely cause an algae bloom if levels are in excess of 5-10ppm
dont know about the test kit, sorry