on the line of life and death! HELP!!!



Originally posted by fishy411
i know u didnt rush but i dont think u were exactly prepared. No test kits and a small Qt tank.

tested my water and they are fine nitrates are at 30. I got a cleaner shrimp for my eel today and they are...well.....pretty cool!He's cleaning my eel right now


Active Member

Originally posted by MR_Krabs
nitrates are at 30

You might want to work on that. By itself it's not a big problem in a fish only, but it can add to the stress on an already sick fish.
We are sorry for your loss.


I did a 2 gal water change today and will do a 5gal change on friday. Since i have a eel and a shrimp and some crabs the nitrate wont go up really fast.


Active Member

Originally posted by lilstrup
lower the silenty

Did you mean salinity? Since there was no salinity value posted, could you give more details? Hyposalinity is a good treatment option for ick, but with no QT, no refractometer, and the lion already dead, I'm not sure how lowering salinity would help.