On the verge of a flood.(Return plumbing issue)


I am on the verge of a flood here. It seems that my overflow occasionally stops and the water backs up. I noticed this last night but lucky for me it started working again right after it spilled over the top....
I am thinking that it is air "blocking" the overflow where the tubes go into my sump because I can hear it suddenly bubble when the water starts going back through. The return tubes are pretty strait down from the overflow. Any idea how I can fix / prevent this?
I seem to get a lot of the bubble sound from air coming out of my return tubes into the sump....
Thanks in advance.


Active Member
I can't see how your hypothesis can be what's going on, but I could very well be wrong...
I'd suggest a test... raise the drain pipe up so it's above the waterline in the sump and see if the problem goes away.


I yanked out my durso for now. I am going to remake it the correct way. (I only used 1" for a 1" bulk) Guess the guy was right, 1" just wont work.....


WOW I wish I had done this a long time ago! 1 1/4 is a HUGE difference! It's so quiet and I don't have the flow problems! Guess I should have done it right the first time, live and learn.