Once a day


Active Member
I feed my fishes once a day when I come home from work. Sometimes when I'm off I will feed it twice. Do you see any problems with this?

sinner's girl

there was a poll about this not long ago, it might still be up.
anyway, i feed once a day, sometimes twice is the clown begs for food. normaly don't feed at least one day a week.
How often you feed depends on your fish and your tank.
Are your fish healthy? active? the right color?
how long as your tank been set up? some fish can eat what's already in the tank, they may pick on lr or eat algea. We had a damsel that would eat food off the cc later. (so he ate more than once a day).


Active Member
The reason I feed it once a day is because I leave for work very early in the morning and get home very late. If I feed it in the morning I would have to set the lights to come on at least an hour before I leave so the fish have enough time to "wake up". I don't want to turn the lights on so early because if I leave it on from early morning to late at light I will have algae problem, plus the fishes aren't getting enough night hours so to speak.
btw- Nobody is home during the day to feed it for me so thats out. I have been on this routine for several months now and all the fishes seem fine. Some one told me feeding the fishes once a day also keeps the water cleaner longer.


If your fish are healthy and doing fine then "don't try and fix it if it isn't broken" basically.
Feeding less can keep the water cleaner just because if you feed more than that you can risk giving too much and causing a lot of waste in the tank which of course drives the nasty levels high.
Some people do feed 2 and 3 times a day and that works great for them cause they know how much is required for their fish.
I think you could get tons of different ways people feed their fish. it all boils down to what works for your tank.


fish can survive without food for a few days.
I feed once a day, but I would go 5x a week and not worry about it.

bang guy

Depends on the fish. In general Herbivores should have food available all the time while the lights are on, Planktivores should be fed a small amout a few times a day, and carnivores should be fed every day or two.


Active Member
Hi, I have been feeding my saltwater fish once a day for the last two years because I leave the house at 6am. and usually don't get home until 8pm. None of the fish have died or been sick in the last two years. I think that feeding twice a day is more ideal especially for fish that like to graze all day long on algea. I tried to feed my fish some of that dried green algea that comes in sheets on a special feeder clip and it was rejected. Last week when I got a bicolor blenny I took a piece of this sheet and attached it to a small rock with a rubber band and all the fish went for it, even the ones that had not touched it before. I think they were afraid of the clip...did not look natural. I am going to try to place this on a rock before I leave at 6 am. and then feed the flake or frozen or live food in the evening so that they can eat twice a day. When I leave at 6am. the fish lights don't come on for a couple of hours. I think that this Seaweed Selects dired green macroalgea sheets can stay in the water on a rock without dissolving or rotting until the sun comes up at 8am. when the fish can see to eat it. This food is high in protein and is a good supplement to the diet. It says it is a good food source for tags, angels, wrasses, damsels and some butterflys. I am going to try to put some on a rock at 6am. tomorrow (my day off) and see if it is still there attached when the fish wake up. If I place it in during the day they gobble it up in a few minutes. I forgot to mention that the shrimp and craps love this too. Lesley


Active Member
Oh yea.......I forgot, you could always get one of those battery powered automatic feeders. They don't cost too much. Don't know how well they work. Lesley