Once again a lighting ?


At this time I only have mushrooms and polps in my tank. I am running a 96PC in a 46G bowfront. I want to up grade my lighting. The easist way I have found would be to buy the CSL PC36 2x96. I also found a PC36 3x96, for only $325. Ifgo with MH I need to get a new hood for my tank, they also seem to be very expesive. Now VHO, They do not seem to be that expensive. What do you think I should go with?


Go for a single metal halide 250-400 watts will do you right, use a 10,000K-20,000K bulb and you won't need and silly atintics.


Being the VHO fan that I am, I would suggest an IceCap 660 ballast with 4 36" 95watt URI bulbs, giving you 380 watts, or about 8 watts/gallon, plenty of light to keep most corals, anemones, and light- to medium-demanding clams. VHO also runs much cooler than MH, so you shouldn't have a problem with heat, and since they can either be mounted on the lid of your canopy, or placed directly on your glass tops, you wouldn't have to alter or replace your canopy. HTH :)