One big Smoothound


Active Member
OOH,OOH, Can I get one for my 55gal tank?....:rolleyes:
Just Kidding...:D
That's a good "Perspective" shot of what those "cute" 7" sharks ARE going to grow into...
And why you see "180 minimum is too small think 300+"


Active Member
Has it been positively identified to be a smoothound? Just looks more like a type of gray shark to me, but I could be wrong.

tony detroit

Active Member
Anybody see that show on the discovery channel this weekend? I don't know what it was but I was shopping for big screen tv's and all of a sudden a aquarium at a zoo or something came up and had bonnetheads, zebras, blacktips, leopards, nurses, everything commonly available to the hobbyist in it. I totally forgot about the tv salesman for about ten minutes. It was a sweet tank. The leopards would swim by people looking in the window and they were huge.


They wont grow that big in captivity. I have two of them, they are pretty young. but my friend has one that is pretty old and he is not even 3 feet. I plan to keep mine for life in a 450(8ft x 3ft footprint) but if they do get that big I will gladly arange for a larger home.


Thats definatly a smoothhound cincyreefer, and a damn big one at that.
Originally posted by smoothounds
They wont grow that big in captivity. I have two of them, they are pretty young. but my friend has one that is pretty old and he is not even 3 feet. I plan to keep mine for life in a 450(8ft x 3ft footprint) but if they do get that big I will gladly arange for a larger home.

I agree with tony, if they're in an appropriatly sized tank they will get that big, or close to it. Your 450 should last a while, but definatly not for life.


Active Member
How are you positive it is a smoothound? The picture doesn't show it's teeth.... You can't see if they are pointy or more like plates. And maybe it's just a deception from the picture but the second dorsal fin doesn't look as big as the first. Also, it looks bigger than any smoothound i have seen published, which was 121 cm... but again it is hard to tell from the picture.


Speaking of discovery channel and big screen tvs, I work at Best Buy right now, and in the home theater department, they have this video that plays on a loop. They show clips of the Discovery channel, and I keep seeing this part where this girl from the aquarium in Chicago has tamed these sharks. I have no idea what type of sharks they are, possibly cat sharks, but she takes this little baton and puts it in the water, and they come up to her and she picks them up, flips them over and scratches their bellies. They're so friendly, they're almost like dolphins. They're tan in color, and they have brown spots on their backs. Their mouths are really tiny, and they have small whiskers. Anyone have any idea what I'm talking about? Just curious.

tony detroit

Active Member
That's the same one that I saw when I was looking at bigscreens this weekend at best buy. The shark was a zebra shark. I saw that, that was a good video clip, I thought that was on the discovery channel.


I am sure its a smoothhound because of the spiracles that are just behind the eyes. This structure is only found in the smoothhounds and not in the requiem sharks.
I catch the Atlantic coast version of these guys- the smooth dogfish (Mutelus canis) regularly off this one pier. One day last year I managed to catch about twenty of these guys and all were about 12 inchs or less. Have tried keeping them but they are very jumpy and will jump out of even a tank as big as mine!


Active Member
Yes, but aren't the spiracles characteristics of all hound sharks? It definitely might be a smoothound... it just didn't quite look like one to me at first, and was just wondering if there was a story/statistics of the shark in the picture.

tony detroit

Active Member
I'm pretty sure it's a smoothound. I got it from a charter fishing site, and all the other pictures were of guys with smoothounds and other fish from that area. They had some huge thornyback ray fishing pics also also.