One Clown Died, What Steps Needed To Add Another???


I had two tank raised Ocerallis Clowns untill this morning when one died.
What route do I need to take to add another so they will get along?
This one thats still alive looked to me to be the bigger of the two.
Even if the one left is the male he will now turn female correct?
How do I asure that I get a male? Just get a smaller one?
Would it be best to just give away the one I have and start over with two new ones?
Thanks for your time


well theres not much you can do...its always going to be more of a risk if not introduced at the same time


Active Member
i had to replace one of my clowns that got murdered.
i ordered from this site so was not sure what size i was going to get. turned out much smaller than the one that was already in the tank. they have gotten along fine from the get go. the little one follows the big one all over the place and the big one dosnt mind at all.
also, i read you ich thread, make sure all your problems are solved and have everything back in order in your display (including your new LR) and make sure everything is stable before you put the new guy in the display. also i wouldn't add anymore fish to your QT until everything else is back in the display. be patient on the new clown :yes:
JMO :happyfish:


oh I am not adding any more for a while. This was just a how do I. I wont be buying any fish for a long while


Active Member
ok, just checking ;)
also i dont see any reason to get rid of the clown you still have. someone else may have another opinion on this, but like i said i had no problem and didnt even expect to have a problem. i suppose anything COULD happen, but i thought clowns were pretty much community fish. now adding a DIFFERENT TYPE of clown (tomato etc...) that is a no no


Active Member
I would add the same type of clown, just a different size. If you have another tank that would be best. Add them both at the same time in the tank. They will fight so add places to hide. They will figure out who will be the male/female.
If you don't have another tank, re-arrange the the tank you have now when you add the other clown. The establised one will get confused and will have a better chance of excepting another tank mate.