one eyed Angel Hmmmmm....?

noah's nemo

My LFS got an Annularis(the one i want)in the other day,and its a real beauty.Fully changed at about 5 or 6 inches.One problem,only one eye!Apparently it came in that way.He is willing to sell it at a lower price,but my question to you all is,would you want a handicap fish?It really is a great looking fish,also wonder if there are any concerns or issues that may come up.


what other fish are you keeping?
one eye will definately make things more difficult during feeding time. and if the other fish are quicker, then it will slowly starve. i would pass and wait for a healthy specimen. especially if it will be your show piece.

noah's nemo

Yeah,it will definately be the centerpiece fish.I'm sure my tang and humu will give it fits at feeding(i didn't think of that)they race eachother for food.I was just curious if anyone out there has had a handicap fish and has had success.It stinks,because its really great looking otherwise


New Member
I have a engineer goby I have had for several years about 2 months ago he lost both eyes not sure how he lost them maybe while digging a rock fell on him or a crab eat them off of him. But he smells around for food and finds it and eats just fine. Now he don't eat as fast as he did but he dose still eat.

noah's nemo

Now thats interesting.Gobies are mostly bottom feeders right?Thanks for the story,this is what i'm looking to hear.I wondering how many more are out there with vision impaired fishies??


Active Member
I would also pass unless it is super cheap...Like $15 or $20 at the most. I would guess he got Pop Eye and lost the eye, but that's just a guess based on having a friend that had a Queen Angel that had that happen.


Even super cheap, I would pass. It'd just bug me to have a fish with only one eye.

noah's nemo

Well, the LFS owner said he just wouldn't feel right selling him now.He's going to keep him as the store mascot,he calls him Willie


Originally Posted by Noah's Nemo
Well, the LFS owner said he just wouldn't feel right selling him now.He's going to keep him as the store mascot,he calls him Willie

That's actually very commendable of a LFS owner. Anyone around here would sell it to anyone who'd take it.
I wish I had found this thread sooner.
My friend has a "handicapped" fish tank. He has a blind squirrel fish, and two other blind fish (can't remember what they are - I think one is a rabbitfish), and two or three tangs with one eye. He hand feeds them as well as dropping food in for them. It's really kind of cool. They're all over 5 years old too. It definitely is an ugly and unusual tank though.

noah's nemo

My LFS here is the best,nice family run place thats been around for 25+ years.I love it!Your friends tank sounds very interesting indeed.I was seriously considering making an offer up until he said he'd just keep it.Well,at least i can visit good ol' Willie....


Active Member
I have had two fish with bad eyes. A ringneck blenny that was wild caught. Lost both eyes during our big move. Was fine in the tank, being a blenny helped, as he just perched and moved occasionally. Had to hand fed though, was obviously is a PITA. It was our fault so I felt compelled to try my darnest. Live for about 2 months longer, those blennys are difficult to keep regardless.
Currently one of our Chalk basses is missing most of his left eye. Believed to suffered an injury upon introduction from the Lyretail Anthias, either a nip or scrape on the rocks. It's fine at times then swells up out of the blue. Got so bad the retina detached. Has been fine recently, though he's lost part of the eye. He has no problems eating or swimming around the tank.
I think the main problem is aesthetics. Honestly, it's just a bit gross to see the hole where an eye used to be.