One Horrible Week! Need Help !!!!!


Active Member
I don't know what this is a sign of, but I have nasty green algae all over my rocks now and my sand is getting a brownish tint.


Active Member
Guess what to top it all off, my sump cracked about 2 years ago. I repaired it then and it just started to leak. So basically I now need to tear down my entire system and replace the sump!!!!! I will do a fuge now since at the time I didn't have a reef tank. I will look for some easy to do refugium threads.


Originally Posted by Adamc1303
I don't know what this is a sign of, but I have nasty green algae all over my rocks now and my sand is getting a brownish tint.
The brown is diatoms, the dark green is from your water (I get it sometimes too) I am so sorry to hear that your sump cracked. Go to the DIY forum for help on setting up the fuge. Let us know how things go


Also check out *Link Removed* if you haven't already. There is great DIY information on there for refugiums.


Active Member
What can I do to get rid of the green algaeon the rocks? The sump wasn't cracked! Stupid me! I messed with the return line which loosened my bulkhead.


Originally Posted by Adamc1303
What can I do to get rid of the green algaeon the rocks? The sump wasn't cracked! Stupid me! I messed with the return line which loosened my bulkhead.
What corlor green is it? Coraline can be green, purple, or red.


Active Member
It's dark green and it hairy. I realize that by doing large water changes and adding a phosphate reactor I can probably curb the problem. My question is are there any good products out there that can help? how do I get rid of the algae that is already on the rocks?


Originally Posted by Adamc1303
It's dark green and it hairy. I realize that by doing large water changes and adding a phosphate reactor I can probably curb the problem. My question is are there any good products out there that can help? how do I get rid of the algae that is already on the rocks?
Reduce the time that your lights are on. Mexican snails happily eat hair algae. Unfortunately, I cannot remember the actual name of the snail. I am having a brain fade, I just recommended this breed of snail to a friend yesterday, yet cannot think of the name right now. I am sorry. I hope one of my fellow members will help me out here. I am thinking Turbo but that isn't it.


Mexican Turbo snails are great for algae.... see, you got the name right! At least that's what we call them....