One lawnmower blenny down

coral boy

I just looked in my tank and saw that my bubble tip anamone was eating one of my lawnmower blennys as i was watching my morron clown was trying to pull him out. one down that sucks i use them to keep my alage under control since i can't use hermit crabs because i have a hawk fish i can't catch

coral boy

It's a 125 gal. I had 3, now 2 they seemed to just pick a spot in the tank and called it there own never had a problem


Active Member
really? well in a 125 i could see that they might not be as territorial with all that room, i still try not to mix conspecifics, unless i know for sure that i have a mated pair. just makes things a little easier. the same goes for hawkfish, and jsut about any other non-schooling reef fish
good luck