ONe mean clown


New Member
right now in my tank for fish i only have a true percula clown and a yellow tailed damsel, but there is one problem the clown will just not have anyone else living in his tank and has killed 4 fish and I have seemed to try everything to settle him down that i have had recommened to me!! WHAT SHOULD I DO????


:happyfish How big is your clown? Never heard of a ocelarious doin that. I have a $&^@ of a maroon and she settled a little down when I went to a 55 gal from a 30 gal. Before I moved her she killed soooo much stuff. If you really wanna keep her, then maybe goin to a bigger tank would help. Good luck, I've been there. -ali


New Member
my clown is only about an inch long but whatever goes in the tank he will chase and bite nonstop.....


I would try dividing your tank into two with an acrylic glass. Let the clown to check out his new tankmate before he goes ahead and chase the new guy around. And it would help the new guy to find his territory in the tank.
Edit: re-arranging the LR may help too, but I find that doesn't work as well as dividing.


hello please try to net isolate your clownfish then add his tankmates for 2 weeks then release him back into the tank with the LR rearraged as well. or trade him out for a more mello clown:thinking: :thinking: :sleepy: :sleepy:
:scared: :scared:


my name is reo and i am 7 yrs old and i think you should put him in a net so he can not bit the other fish:rolleyes: :happy:
:mad: :jumping:


Active Member
Okay...^. A perucla, REALLY? They are usually nice and calm. Y dont u just get rid of him and get another one. Its that simple. How can u be attatched to a fish that kills all of yer other fish? If it were a predator, I would understand, but a clown? Just trade it back man.


my clown has gotten mean after a year and 5 months he bites me anytime i stick my hand in the tank he bit my g/f three times today when we were trying to fead the anemone i had to catch him n a net in order to fed the anemone i think im going to just let the fish fead the anemone for now on. But u should just take him back and get another


:happyfish Ya I know fishcake, but they behave similarly is what I meant by that. The ocelarous and true perks are basically more peaceful than other clowns.


I think you should take out the perc and change your rockwork like someone else here said. And is there really a 7 yr old on this site
he must like fish:) Oh, and i also agree with alison that the perc and other clown are less aggressive than the others.