One more question


My reef is rather new, six months old. Once in a while I hear a clicking sound from my tank. Can this be a predater I have yet to see? I noticed a burough (I hope I spelled that right) under some rock. I have a Brittle Starfish, but never see him use it. He lives by day under rocks on the other end of tank. I lost a Yellow-eyed Tang in just one night about a month ago. When I woke up one day ther was no sign I ever had that fish.


Usually a clicking sound means a pistol shrimp. They are usually harmless although some people remove them. They can kill and eat things but I doubt this is what happened to your tang. They do burrow a hole in the sand. Ive had 1 in my reef living with a watchman goby for years and never had any trouble with it killing fish. I have had missing hermits though so who knows. Some people say mantis shrimps make clicking sounds but this is usually not true. They pound or stab their prey to death and can kill everything in your tank. Watch the burrow and try to see if you have a shrimp. A flashlight at night helps. Pistol shrimp have a large claw and look more like a lobster where a mantis looks like a praying mantis.


If it's a mantis shrimp, they have traps for them at any supply catalog (about $14 @ Pet Solutions).