One of my clowns getting darker


I have 2 false percs. I was stupid and bought them seperately from the lfs when they were already a pair. I didnt know much when i bought them. I got the first one then the other about two weeks later. They were both about the same size. Now, the one i bought origionally has started getting darker than the other one. They are both very healthy. I also think this one has grown a bit larger. The other one also did the submissive shakes for the first couple weeks but i havent seen it lately. I am hoping they are pairing up. They arent together non-stop so i dont think they are already. So is the color darkening normal at all?

royal gang

Active Member
dun wory about it as long as his guts arent coming out, hes not swimming weird, he's not floating he's ok :cheer:


one of the clowns might be changing --- it will grow larger than the other and take a dominate role when it changes to Female.


Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG
dun wory about it as long as his guts arent coming out, hes not swimming weird, he's not floating he's ok :cheer:
like he said just watch for the death signs, they will be fine tho


Active Member
Your clowns are fine.
Generally, the fish that takes the dominant role (female) will become larger than the other, and its color gets much darker. My female perc is several shades darker than the male.
It sounds to me like your clowns are paired up already. (Mine don't stay side by side ALL the time. Imagine holding hands with your spouse 24/ might get a little tired of each other.


i have a simular situation, the larger darker one seems to chase the smaller brighter one around quite a bit. he doenst seem to have any physical signs of abuse but i still worry about the stress factor. I bought them both at the same time and they were the same size. i also have 3 green chromis and 2 black clowns but the black clowns seem to be very peaceful as a pair.


3m your will do the same thing. if bought the same size one will take a more aggressive role and change to female all clowns by the way are born male!!


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
one of the clowns might be changing --- it will grow larger than the other and take a dominate role when it changes to Female.
That right! the main sighn is the chang in growth, That the main key.
My clorky clown when I frist got him has a nice light goled brown
and after a week or so i noted he changed to a nice BLACK!
Like every one as sed your fish will be fine maby a little more
aritoril butttt fine! :happyfish


Originally Posted by GreyMach
I have 2 false percs. I was stupid and bought them seperately from the lfs when they were already a pair. I didnt know much when i bought them. I got the first one then the other about two weeks later. They were both about the same size. Now, the one i bought origionally has started getting darker than the other one. They are both very healthy. I also think this one has grown a bit larger. The other one also did the submissive shakes for the first couple weeks but i havent seen it lately. I am hoping they are pairing up. They arent together non-stop so i dont think they are already. So is the color darkening normal at all?

i have 2 false percs to and there doing the same thing... lets see what happends ....there are playing in my rbta alot